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Articles By colleen davis

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Citing A Business Brochure As Reference   By: colleen davis
We all know that brochures are generally produced by businesses as part of their marketing campaign to make their products, promotions, or services known. At other times, these materials are also used to make the people know more about their company(read entire article)
View : 268 Times
Category : Marketing

Making A Travel Brochure For Japan   By: colleen davis
Japan is a beautiful country in Asia with many exciting attractions to visit in its different provinces. If you are in the business of travel offering tours to Japan, then by all means, promote your travel packages with your own customized brochures for Japan travel.(read entire article)
View : 406 Times
Category : Marketing

Making A College Catalog    Submitted as: Kaitlyn Miller
Making college catalogs could be a tedious thing to do. It means having to coordinate with many different department heads, requesting for their text and photos, doing or liaising for the design, and working with the printer. You should be able to do this while racing with time(read entire article)
View : 346 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

A Catalog About History   By: colleen davis
There are just so many facts and reading materials about the past that history catalogs are very much needed. People who are interested in cataloging the past are members of historical societies, genealogists, family archivists as well as because it is related to their work(read entire article)
View : 360 Times
Category : Marketing

Budget-friendly Postcards   By: colleen davis
Postcards are great tools in letting people know what you had been up to (like travelling) or how you like now (if you are already married and with kids). Surely there are already social networking sites, where with you can hook up with your friends(read entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Marketing

Include A Map In Your Travel Brochures   By: colleen davis
When people travel to other places, you expect them to be strangers, not knowing their way around. That is why when you see a person walking around looking lost while reading a map, you would certainly know that is a tourist or someone new in the place.(read entire article)
View : 228 Times
Category : Marketing

Making A Brochure For An Organic Company   By: colleen davis
Many people have taken the decision to go for organic things as opposed to synthetic ones. That is because people nowadays want to live not only longer but also healthier. There is a growing concern over lifestyle diseases and many are being attributed(read entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Marketing

Make A Catalog Of Birds With Your Child   By: colleen davis
Are you a stay at home mom who wants to home school your child or children? Aside from the materials from the curriculum that you have signed up with, you can come up with hundreds of other ideas to stimulate your child's learning.(read entire article)
View : 228 Times
Category : Marketing

Learn How To Grade Your Postcard Collection   By: colleen davis
Do you find yourself drowning from all the postcards given by well-meaning relatives around the United States and abroad? Have you started collecting each one of them? Then why not bring your love of postcards from just a mere piece of paper to keep in touch(read entire article)
View : 239 Times
Category : Marketing

The Basics Of Postcard Printing For Newbies   By: colleen davis
Postcard printing may pose a great challenge for new companies. Inexperienced and experienced companies alike usually find the task of printing these postcards more difficult than actually selling their products. For one, these cards should be well thought of.(read entire article)
View : 296 Times
Category : Marketing

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