Here's the recent articles submitted by anne phillips
Articles By anne phillips
Know The Different Types Of Av Jobs
Submitted as: unknownmem
AV jobs or much known as audio visual jobs are commonly part of the entertainment industry, however they can also be found in the corporate sector. These forms of professions have a focus on providing high-quality audio and visual recording or editing services to clients.(read
entire article)
View : 284 Times
Category : Career
What It Takes To Work In Event Managment Jobs
Submitted as: unknownmem
Event managment jobs require you to have many skills. Planning and arranging different events can be a lot harder than you might think. You have to be able to work on your own and meet deadlines. You should also have very good communication skills because when you plan a large event you will be talking to many different people in order to get the event organized before the deadline.(read
entire article)
View : 293 Times
Category : Career
All About Hosting Live Events
Submitted as: unknownmem
Hosting live events can be a real challenge. Anyone who has ever done this before recognizes that the success of the event largely depends upon the audience. If they are excited, energetic, and alive, it will create a spirit of oneness and a memorable occasion that many are sure to talk of for months after.(read
entire article)
View : 365 Times
Category : Career
Submitted as: unknownmem
One of the most ancient philosophies' is Astrology and it is still going strong today. It all began many thousands of years ago with the ancient Greeks. They evolved the belief that the position of the sun and the planets had an effect on a person's life and future events. The actual word "astrology" is Greek and means "Science of the stars".(read
entire article)
View : 338 Times
Category : Religion
Living In The World Of Psychics
Submitted as: unknownmem
There has been a great deal written regarding Psychics. Some have declared them a hoax while others have praised them to the highest. Psychic power is said to be the ability to 'sense' things that is not apparent to the naked eye. This phenomena has often been referred to in books and movies and has actually be used, with success, in real life.(read
entire article)
View : 364 Times
Category : Religion
The Real Deal About Getting Some Psychic Readings
Submitted as: unknownmem
The huge pool of psychic readings available around us might be enough for some people to actually start believing in the possibility of these readings ending up to be true. This also provides ample reason for the critical-minded to actually come up with more doubts about the nature of the whole activity.(read
entire article)
View : 295 Times
Category : Religion
Using Tarot As A Means For Divination
Submitted as: unknownmem
It is said we all have psychic abilities but we just don't use them. Scientist say we only use 20% of our brain and they are unsure of what the other 80% is used for. In this day and age is amazing that with all our technology that we don't know what most of your brain does. Now when you talk to a scientist about psychic abilities most class it as just mumbo jumbo. This is because unless they have physical proof they don't like to make a judgment on it. I am sure in time as more tests are carried out we will have more proof of what that part of the brain does and some proof behind psychic ability.(read
entire article)
View : 331 Times
Category : Religion
Guidelines For Buying Net Curtains
Submitted as: unknownmem
Net curtains are great for reducing glare. The cloth used in this kind of curtain is very light, which lets air pass through while minimizing the amount of glare. Choosing the right curtain for a certain window is a little difficult, but there are simple ways that is guaranteed to help any would-be buyer know which one is best.(read
entire article)
View : 278 Times
Category : Others
A Country Home In Town
Submitted as: unknownmem
It has taken my husband and I seven years to save up for the deposit of our first house, we might have got there sooner had I not fallen pregnant with my eldest son. Living in a flat was O.K. as it was handy for work, the shops, and we did not have to worry too much about maintenance, but we both dearly wanted to get on the property ladder.(read
entire article)
View : 372 Times
Category : Others
Further Refine And Separate Particles With A Circular Sieves Shaker
Submitted as: unknownmem
There is always a need to separate one substance from another whether in a manufacturing business, medical laboratory, pharmacy, chemical plant, cocktail lounge, or your home kitchen. The mesh specially designed to allow filtration and capture of the desired particles can be modified and specialized depending on the requirements. The need for separation at successive levels is best accomplished by using a circular sieves shaker to produce the desired results.(read
entire article)
View : 342 Times
Category : Business