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Articles By todd landry

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Automated Source Code Analysis Whitepaper    Submitted as: Gwyn Fisher
An abstract syntax tree, or AST for short, is simply a tree-structured representation of the source code as might be typically generated by the preliminary parsing stages of a compiler.(read entire article)
View : 155 Times
Category : Computer Programming

The Joy Of Code Review    Submitted as: Gwyn Fisher
When you think of a social activity, what do you think of? Perhaps a rave? Or maybe a quiet bridge foursome is more your style? Or even a Matrix-style meet-and-greet complete with latex and contortionists? Ahem(read entire article)
View : 134 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Adopting Bug-hunting Tools While Staying Agile   By: todd landry
While the Agile Manifesto’s principle of “individuals and interactions over processes and tools” seems to de-emphasis the need for tools, Agile teams use many tools to support their development – including software configuration management tools, build management tools, requirements tracking tools, testing tools, project management tools, and more.(read entire article)
View : 97 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Agile Development And Product Management   By: todd landry
Agile Product Management and a lively talk about modern software development by Alistair Cockburn were the themes of the day.(read entire article)
View : 96 Times
Category : Computers

Getting Itar Observance With Sharepoint    Submitted as: Sarfaraz Khan
We talk to a lot of aerospace and defense companies. One of their biggest challenges is meeting ITAR compliance. The US government created the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), governing the export and import of defense related material and technologies.(read entire article)
View : 139 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Static Analysis For Ruby And Python   By: todd landry
As a developer of static analysis tool for mainstream statically-typed languages, like C++ and Java, I was wondering for quite a while about how well static analysis applies to dynamically-typed languages, like Ruby and Python.(read entire article)
View : 110 Times
Category : Computers

Fda Software Verification And Validation   By: todd landry
Main topic of today is using Agile in an FDA regulated medical device context. Sounds like an impossibility I know, but the folks from Agiletek and Abbott presented a very interesting case study on how they did it.(read entire article)
View : 116 Times
Category : Computers

Microsoft Embraces Metadata In Sharepoint 2010    Submitted as: Sarfaraz Khan
I'm at the Microsoft SharePoint conference this week and it's all about SharePoint 2010. It seems to be a huge release for Microsoft with a wide range of new features for end-users, IT pros and developers.(read entire article)
View : 118 Times
Category : Computers

Agile Development - A Brief Introduction    Submitted as: Gwyn Fisher
Agile is based upon a number of guiding principles that all Agile teams follow. For the purposes of this discussion, three principles - or values - are of particular interest:(read entire article)
View : 108 Times
Category : Computers

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