Here's the recent articles submitted by jacob li
Articles By jacob li
How To Get Your Internship In A Top Fashion Magazine?
Submitted as: JAcob
This is one job which millions of girls would vouch for. To get an internship in one of the top fashion magazines. If you too are one of them and are looking to get into fashion magazine and make it as your career, then you will be doing a good choice. The big question is that how will you score an internship in the fashion magazine.(read
entire article)
View : 511 Times
Category : Career
The Essential Elements Of Fashion Photography
Submitted as: Jacob Smith
In the end, all forms of photography boils down to one element: photos that evoke emotions and hold eye balls for long. The top fashion photographers in India strive to shot those photographs, day after day.(read
entire article)
View : 356 Times
Category : General
How To Make It Big In The World Of Fashion (tips For A Budding Model)?
Submitted as: Jacob Smith
There are no short-cuts to success. You have to work hard, and wait for your time.
I have met hundreds of models. I love meeting them and listening to their future plans.
Almost all of them want to make it big and enter Bollywood. Till this point, everything looks great and optimistic. And then they start talking about the short-cuts to the top. And this is what terrifies me the most.(read
entire article)
View : 648 Times
Category : Career
You're Not Making Money Because Of This (for Fashion Photographers)
Submitted as: Jacob
You've been a professional fashion photographer for many years. However, there is this one thing that bothers you like hell: despite having a great experience and infrastructure, you've not been able to grow your monthly income figures;(read
entire article)
View : 376 Times
Category : General