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Articles By steven becker

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5 Secret Tips To Landscape With Large Trees Without Spending Large Dollars   By: steven becker
Landscaping with big Trees normally involves a large budget. This article provides 5 little known tips that you can do to get a lot of landscaping done for a little amount of money.(read entire article)
View : 564 Times
Category : Environment

Don't Be Fooled - What To Look For Before You Buy Anything At A Garden Center Or Tree Nursery   By: steven becker
Don't buy a tree that is destined to die at a Garden Center. This must read article provides insight on what to look for when shopping for trees, so that the trees that you get will look great year after year.(read entire article)
View : 260 Times
Category : Home and Garden

5 Key Items To Add To Your Landscape That Will Bring Color And Life To A Dreary Wisconsin Winter   By: steven becker
If you are like many of us, you dread the thought of winter. You hate the idea of a cold, lifeless, colorless, and dreary day. Well, even though winter is dreadful; especially where I am from in Milwaukee Wisconsin, there are still a few landscaping tips that you can use to bring a little life and color to your winter.(read entire article)
View : 228 Times
Category : Home and Garden

Types Of Landscaping Trees And How The Pro's Use Them In Their Landscape Designs   By: steven becker
There are many elements that go into a landscape design. As colors add to the overall feeling of your design, shapes play the same role. Here you can see examples of some different shaped trees and how they can be used in your landscaping plans.(read entire article)
View : 230 Times
Category : Environment

Is Landscaping With Big Trees Worth The Extra Cost   By: steven becker
Well, this is a question that many people ask themselves when they are designing or redoing their landscape. Although I am a bit bias, I believe that I can show you why Landscaping with Large Trees has a much greater value and can actually become more cost effective than landscaping with small trees.(read entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Home and Garden

Best Places To Plant A Tree To Reduce Your Air Conditioning Bill   By: steven becker
Studies have Proven that Measurable Savings can be obtained of up to 50% and 75% on air conditioning costs when you strategically place shade trees in the ideal locations to shade the house.(read entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Home and Garden

5 Trees That Attract Butterflies   By: steven becker
Here are some trees that will help your Butterfly Garden.(read entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Home and Garden

Turning Your Starving Garden Into A Goldmine Of Growth For Sandy Soil   By: steven becker
Most plants thrive in loamy soil that is moist but well drained – this may seem like a contradiction; but this simply means soil that retains moisture, but does not stay too wet. 95% of newer homes do not have adequate soil structure. Read this article on how to turn your Starving Garden into a Goldmine of Growth!(read entire article)
View : 263 Times
Category : Home and Garden

How To Choose A Tree Nursery   By: steven becker
I am a landscaper and tree mover that services the Greater Milwaukee Wisconsin Area. I specialize in Trees that are Semi-Mature to Mature. Here you will find some information on tree nurseries, what they are and what they carry. Different Tree Nurseries serve different purposes and specialize in different things. Like I mentioned I specialize in Semi-Mature to Mature Trees. Other Tree nurseries are designed to grow and take care of young trees; tree nurseries offer a broad assortment of trees from shade trees to flowering trees to fruit bearing trees.(read entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Home and Garden

How To Move A Tree By Hand - Get Your Trees On The Move!   By: steven becker
So you want to get your trees on the move and you want to do it by by hand. Well, get ready to have some fun. Well, not really – but if done properly, it can be a rewarding experience. But first, make sure that you have the correct tools. A strong back, a sharp shovel, a pick axe, burlap, 2 ¼" long - 12 gauge pinning nails, and some 3 ply (untreated) Sisal Twine. This is similar to bailer twine but stronger, bailer twine won't work; it will break.(read entire article)
View : 300 Times
Category : Home and Garden

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