Here's the recent articles submitted by dominic andrews
Articles By dominic andrews
The Steam Mop: A Domestic Revolution
Submitted as: Isela Desquare
Of all household chores, floor cleaning has to rank pretty highly on the ''most loathed'' list. It usually requires a huge amount of elbow grease, and leaves your floor smelling like chemicals.(read
entire article)
View : 274 Times
Category : Hobbies
Getting Rid Of The Dirt
Submitted as: Isela Desquare
Hitting dirt, grime and grease where it hurts can be a laboured and lengthy task. Getting past the superficial surface of dirt is not as easy as it looks, and certainly requires a lot of physical force and scouring pads.(read
entire article)
View : 302 Times
Category : General
Ideal Mother''s Day Solutions
Submitted as: Isela Desquare
They aren''t just a shoulder to cry on and a helping hand in times of need, mothers brought us into the world and nurtured us into the people we are today. This surely needs some kind of reward. But despite being ''on-call'' throughout the year, only one day is dedicated to our mothers. The 500-year-old tradition of Mothering Sunday is celebrated on the third of April in 2011.(read
entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Hobbies