Here's the recent articles submitted by carlos atkinson
Articles By carlos atkinson
Saving Money During A Recession
Submitted as: Augustine Starcic
If the worst were to happen and you lost your job, how long could you feasibly support yourself for, whilst searching for another? One month? Two? Most financial advisors recommend you should have a quarter of your annual salary saved up.(read
entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Wedding
Finding The Right Travel Insurance Policy
Submitted as: Augustine Starcic
When travelling abroad, nearly two thirds of people from the UK do not take out a travel insurance policy. But what would happen if you fell ill in a country outside Europe? Or what if they lost their baggage abroad? It''s important to be covered against these worst case scenarios.(read
entire article)
View : 162 Times
Category : Wedding
Getting The Right Holiday Insurance
Submitted as: Augustine Starcic
A quite alarming statistic is that two thirds of Britons who venture abroad each year are doing so without travel insurance, one in ten say they have never bothered with cover. But due to the risks involved with travel, insuring yourself should be seen as an essential and not an optional extra.(read
entire article)
View : 169 Times
Category : Wedding
Travel Insurance Essentials
Submitted as: Augustine Starcic
So over here in Britain the snow may have ceased to fall, but Europe is by no means thawing out. Winter round two is hitting the Alps and bringing a good dump of snow with it. What''s more this snow is super light and fluffy thanks to the sub-zero temperatures therefore perfect for a week cruising from piste to piste and even dabbling in some off-piste antics.(read
entire article)
View : 177 Times
Category : Wedding
The Benefits Of Travel Insurance
Submitted as: Augustine Starcic
Snow, ice, rain and wind as well as temperatures that have plummeted well below zero, this winter has been rather more eventful than in previous years. Rain and wind we may be used to but ice rinks for roads and skiing in Sussex we are not. All this Arctic weather is leading to a mass migration south for the summer.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Wedding
Top Tips For Buying Holiday Insurance
Submitted as: Augustine Starcic
If you''re planning a trip abroad anytime soon then you''ll need holiday insurance ? but with so many different offers and packages out there it''s hard to know where to start looking. Here''s how to ensure you find the best possible deal.(read
entire article)
View : 172 Times
Category : Wedding
Planning Your Holiday ? The Essentials
Submitted as: Augustine Starcic
There''s nothing like the anticipation of going away ? researching your destination, planning flights and accommodation, buying a guidebook, all of these things add to the excitement of going on holiday. But all too often, things can go wrong ? flights delayed, luggage lost, falling ill, all of these things can threaten to jeopardise your plans. Follow these tips and hopefully you''ll minimise the chances of disaster befalling you:(read
entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Wedding
5 Types Of Travel Insurance Policy
Submitted as: Augustine Starcic
Leaving the country, or staying in the country but moving around, we are all after sufficient insurance cover knowing that if something goes wrong, then there is financial back up to rectify any potential mishap. You''ll want covering for illness, for any loss, damage or theft of property, and also for other important aspects such as delayed baggage upon arrival abroad.(read
entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Wedding
5 Essentials Of A Travel Insurance Policy
Submitted as: Augustine Starcic
Going away for a weekend city break, or a skiiing holiday, or to gap year travel or business trips overseas, Travel Insurance should always be taken out. Protection from all kinds of hazards and upsets which could affect you over the time you spend in another country is a must and professional opinion is always advised.(read
entire article)
View : 175 Times
Category : Wedding
Why Annual Travel Insurance Makes Sense
Submitted as: Augustine Starcic
Annual travel insurance may at first appear to be a luxury and a waster of money, but if you are a particular type of person then it may in fact make total sense. Travel more than twice a year? Even within the UK? You may end up saving a lot of money. You should read on.(read
entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Wedding