Here's the recent articles submitted by jarel daren
Articles By jarel daren
Surgeons To Attempt First Ever Suspended Animation Trials On Humans
Submitted as: jareldaren
It is a popular thought used in science fiction, in which medical doctors maintain humans' life by suspending them among existence and demise.(read
entire article)
View : 429 Times
Category : Business
Zuluaga Wins First Round Of Colombia Election
Submitted as: jareldaren
Bogota, Colombia - Oscar Zuluaga, a far-right candidate who opposes peace talks with leftist rebels, has won the initially round of Colombia&rsquos presidential election with extra than 29 percent of the vote.(read
entire article)
View : 639 Times
Category : Politics
Us To Announce Pullout Plan From Afghanistan
Submitted as: jareldaren
The United States plans to decrease its troop presence in Afghanistan to 9,800 this year and will conclude its military intervention in the country by the end of 2016, a senior official has said.(read
entire article)
View : 422 Times
Category : General
Modi Shrinks Cabinet On First Day As Indian Leader
Submitted as: jareldaren
Narendra Modi, India&rsquos new prime minister, unveiled a slimmed down cabinet Monday to fulfill his promise of &ldquoless government, extra governance&rdquo which helped him win his landslide election victory.(read
entire article)
View : 505 Times
Category : General