Here's the recent articles submitted by john derek
Articles By john derek
5 Ways To Choose A Fertility Clinic
Submitted as: Bobby and Nikki Bains
Choosing a fertility clinic is the critical first step in your infertility treatment plan. This can be an overwhelming task especially due to an abundance of fertility clinics that seemingly give you endless options.(read
entire article)
View : 230 Times
Category : Health
How To Choose A Fertility Clinic
Submitted as: Bobby
Infertility treatment has advanced in modern times. This is good news for those wanting to become parents in the natural way, but could not. Progress in infertility treatment procedures has made it possible for more people to become parents as compared to a decade ago.(read
entire article)
View : 237 Times
Category : Health
How To Research Fertility Clinics And What To Expect
Submitted as: Bobby and Nikki Bains
Before selecting a fertility clinic for your treatment, it is important to research a number of issues. Selecting a fertility clinic is very personal and dependent on your individual circumstances – your friend's recommendation of the best clinic may not necessarily work for you.(read
entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Health
How To Find Best Indian Surrogacy Centre
Submitted as: Bobby
India is a unique developing country that has made great strides in the fields of technology and education. It is uniquely positioned to offer a large pool of surrogate mothers, World standards in IVF technology and procedure, and excellent pre and post natal care – all pre-requisites for surrogacy services. India therefore, is an ideal place to locate surrogacy services.(read
entire article)
View : 252 Times
Category : Health
Difference Between Indian And Foreign Surrogacy
Submitted as: Nikki Bains
We help where we can, even to those going to other clinics. Our reputation for frankness and honesty is what endears us to every email we receive and we remember them all too vividly. We shall not forget our original purpose of what we started out to do in 2000 and why god took us to umpteenth failures before our first child. Had we succeeded on our very first surrogacy attempt then you would not be reading this and most probably not know where to turn and who to trust in this money grabbing world.(read
entire article)
View : 292 Times
Category : Health
Short Procedure Before Surrogacy
Submitted as: Nikki Bains
Surrogacy arrangements are considered to be illegal in most European countries. However, couples wanting to have a child to call their own are resorting to surrogacy arrangements in countries like India, Russia and Ukraine where commercial surrogacy is not illegal.(read
entire article)
View : 248 Times
Category : Health
Best & Safe Infertility Clinic In India
Submitted as: Nikki Bains
India has become the de-facto infertility treatment centre of the World. This is because the treatment is relatively cheap and as good as any in a developed country. But like every other country in the world, in India too there are infertility clinics that are run by quacks and there are infertility clinics that are run by qualified, credentialed, dedicated and experienced team of specialists.(read
entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Health
How To Decide On Surrogacy In India
Submitted as: Nikki Bains
Most non-Indian couples are excited at the prospect of making babies through surrogacy at exceptionally low costs. But the fact is, not all surrogacy agencies or facilitation centres are the same.(read
entire article)
View : 259 Times
Category : Health
What Is Meant By Surrogacy?
Submitted as: Nikki Bains
Surrogacy is a medical procedure provided to childless couples or couples not wanting to or unable to produce kids on their own. Surrogacy makes use of an unrelated female who, for a fee accepts human eggs or sperms or fertilized eggs on behalf of another woman and delivers a healthy child.(read
entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Health