Here's the recent articles submitted by jay swedworthy
Articles By jay swedworthy
A Champagne Smile On A Lemonade Budget
Submitted as: Jay Edwards
What we mean is that consumers are wanting the Hollywood smile which is a glowing, healthy white teeth but only wanting to spend a fraction of the price getting the treatment and this is why so many people look at the diy kits first before.(read
entire article)
View : 649 Times
Category : Business
The Way To Get Long Lasting Whiter Teeth
Submitted as: Jay Edwards
When embarking on getting your teeth whitened then ensuring the right treatment that suits your teeth is of paramount importance. By this I mean selecting a proven system that works and suits your budget.(read
entire article)
View : 177 Times
Category : Business
Could My Teeth Look Like The Celebs On Tv?
Submitted as: Jay Edwards
In some cases the answer is yes and some no because the teeth have so many variables that change for person to person. Many celebs on TV, FILM and magazines have cosmetic treatments like veneers opposed to more affordable options like laser teeth whitening(read
entire article)
View : 260 Times
Category : Business
Making The Smile Last The Test Of Time
Submitted as: Jay Edwards
With any form of teeth whitening ensuring the results last as long as possible is key but some treatments are sold as the next big thing but like any cosmetic treatment it does not last forever.(read
entire article)
View : 177 Times
Category : Business
A New Smile That Could Improve Your Life!
Submitted as: Jay Edwards
Just imagine closing that deal or attending that interview where first impressions count or getting forward to that first date or even getting ready to tie the knot well having brighter whiter teeth will give you the confidence after having the laser teeth whitening treatment.(read
entire article)
View : 246 Times
Category : Business
Laser Tooth Whitening For A Speedy Grin
Submitted as: Jay Edwards
When it comes to most things in life then we want it as quickly as possible and this true for teeth whitening as people want to aspire to look great but do not want to wait weeks for the results…welcome to the world of laser tooth whitening!(read
entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Business
The Whats Best In Laser Teeth Whitening
Submitted as: Jay Edwards
Have you thought about the current color of your teeth? A professional dental office has the tools to properly determine what the color problem is.(read
entire article)
View : 170 Times
Category : Business
Laser Teeth Whitening Part Of The Extreme Makeover
Submitted as: Jay Edwards
With the laser system a new smile is possible in just 60 minutes and this is why many are having it done in the UK as part of a new regime of health, beauty and wellbeing.(read
entire article)
View : 547 Times
Category : Business
More Choice For Teeth Whitening
Submitted as: Jay Edwards
There is of course, a puzzling array of teeth whitening systems open nowadays, but we will narrow down the choices to the most "in command" and tranquil-to-use ones.(read
entire article)
View : 515 Times
Category : Business
A Selection Method For Teeth Whitening
Submitted as: Jay Edwards
Lazer tooth whitening involves mainly two steps, one is teeth cleaning in which the teeth whitening professionals removes the plaque and germs present in the teeth that have a major effect in the whitening process.(read
entire article)
View : 591 Times
Category : Business