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Articles By jay swedworthy

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Even With The Latest Technology Some Individuals Teeth Cannot Be Whitened    Submitted as: Jay Edwards
Generally speaking by the time you are 22 years old your teeth are about as white as they are going to be. Teeth colour is a generic related decision and even though teeth whitening treatments can take you back to your base colour it is impossible to go past that.(read entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Business

A New Year - A New Smile Is My Goal    Submitted as: Jay Edwards
As many people do in the New Year they make their resolutions on how to improve themselves and a new smile is one of them and in many cases part of the master plan to look and feel better.(read entire article)
View : 270 Times
Category : Business

Nice Smile Is Achieved With In Office Teeth Whitening    Submitted as: Jay Edwards
When customers are embarking on a teeth whitening program ultimately they are looking for a nice bright white smile that makes them look and feel younger and more confident when they smile.(read entire article)
View : 199 Times
Category : Business

Will Laser Teeth Whitening Make Me Look Younger?    Submitted as: Jay Edwards
The process of laser teeth whitening is to remove the stains caused by years and years of the teeth coming to contact with staining substances and in return brighter whiter teeth can make you look and feel a few years lass senior!(read entire article)
View : 170 Times
Category : Business

Mid Life Crisis Now Includes Getting The Teeth Whitened!    Submitted as: Jay Edwards
As many of us hit those middle years we start to look at our image and the best ways to improve our health and fitness and even beauty and this includes getting our teeth made whiter to reverse the years of staining.(read entire article)
View : 207 Times
Category : Business

Does Laser Teeth Whitening Damage My Teeth?    Submitted as: Jay Edwards
This is a commonly asked question but the answer is no as the facts are that the gel resides on the surface of the teeth for such a short period of time and also the gels are designed not to harm the enamel or irritate the gums in any way.(read entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Business

A Bright Smile Might Win That Job In A Depressed Market    Submitted as: Jay Edwards
With Zoom teeth whitening getting a bright smile does help with getting a chance of being selected for that job as the smile that wins the deal. Looking smart and having all the other qualities a potential employer is looking for is also key but having a confident smile has to be a consideration as well.(read entire article)
View : 315 Times
Category : Business

Can Bright White Teeth Be Guaranteed With Zoom Whitening?    Submitted as: Jay Edwards
The method of Zoom whitening only takes 60 minutes so its fast and is pain free but because everyone’s teeth are different is impossible to say the end goal will be guaranteed.(read entire article)
View : 224 Times
Category : Business

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly For Laser Teeth Whitening    Submitted as: Jay Edwards
As with most things in life there are always different elements that encompass the positive and negative aspects and these we try and explain in this article.(read entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Business

Managing The Whiteness After The Zoom Treatment    Submitted as: Jay Edwards
Having a zoom teeth whitening treatment will very likely remove some of the staining on your teeth but for many customers this I just a start of the journey as they will need to use a home kit of some kind to maintain the look as time ends to bring back residual staining.(read entire article)
View : 168 Times
Category : Business

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