Here's the recent articles submitted by jay swedworthy
Articles By jay swedworthy
What Creates Yellow Teeth - Teeth Whitening Help
Submitted as: Jason Edwad
All these impurities and problems can be remove by teeth whitening. Strip Teeth whitening is one way of doing it.But there are many other methods(read
entire article)
View : 169 Times
Category : Beauty
Is Tooth Whitening Guaranteed?
Submitted as: Jason Edwad
Whitening teeth is not a guaranteed treatment with results differing from person to person and sometimes this is complex for clients to understand. The variables that effect everybody teeth are considerable but it is expected that if the teeth can be stained some or even most of this staining can be removed by the lazer treatment(read
entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Beauty
Tips For Fancy Dress Accessories
Submitted as: Jason S Edworthy
Depending on what exactly you are looking for your fancy dress occasion, you can find any fancy dress costume, accessories, party masks, party wigs and many others on many great web sites in the UK.
The author writes for online retailer is Novelties 4 Parties
Fancy dress costume accessories(read
entire article)
View : 179 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
In A Society Where The Smile Wins
Submitted as: Jason S Edworthy
A quick glance through a magazine or watching TV or a film shows smiling people with sparkling white teeth. The smiles are ones to be envied. As adults age, their teeth begin losing the whiteness of youth.
The author is a specialist in teeth whitening
Zoom Teeth Whitening
entire article)
View : 201 Times
Category : Health
Laser Tooth Whitening Is Easy
Submitted as: Jason S Edworthy
Tooth whitening laser is also known as zoom whitening. Even if is a bit more expensive than the DIY strips or kits, many people who are very concerned about their smile, especially actors, artists and those in the media prefer to other procedures to whiten teeth that the results are faster and the excellent.
The author is involved with a website that has a lot more information on teeth whitening
UK Tooth Whitening(read
entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Health
Dental Care For Your Improved Appearance
Submitted as: Jason S Edworthy
There are many people who are unhappy with their appearance in the world today. Some peoples’ teeth may have been unattractive for their entire lives, whereas others’ teeth may have aged and slowly become unattractive. For these reasons, many people decide to look into cosmetic dentistry.
The authors runs a website that offers great advice on teeth whitening visit
tooth whitening uk(read
entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : Health
White Teeth Or Yellow Teeth?
Submitted as: Jason S Edworthy
Everyday diets that include smoking, coffee, tea, cola, curry, blackcurrant, gravy and much more compound the reasons why more and more people are getting stained teeth.
The authors runs a website that offers great advice on teeth whitening visit
tooth whitening uk(read
entire article)
View : 175 Times
Category : Health
Teeth Whitening For The Feel Good Smile
Submitted as: Jason S Edworthy
With the current round of negative news in the press consumers are seeking ways to make themselves feel good and look great.
The authors runs a website that offers great advice on teeth whitening visit
teeth whitening uk(read
entire article)
View : 186 Times
Category : Health
Teeth Whitening In Uk For Value
Submitted as: Jason S Edworthy
When you think teeth whitening you might think this is something that is going to appeal to mainly women but more and more men are taking are turning to teeth whitening as a way of improving their wellbeing and beauty.
The authors runs a website that offers great advice on teeth whitening visit
UK teeth whitening (read
entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Health
Summer Parties For Everyone In 2008
Submitted as: Jason S Edworthy
You need some tips for your summer party so you can throw the best party in your area. Lucky for you, here are some top tips that will keep your party going strong and make your guests happy they were invited.
The authors runs a website that offers great summer part products visit
Summer party goods(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Health