Here's the recent articles submitted by nathan wilson
Articles By nathan wilson
The Differences Between Digital Forensics And Electronic Disclosure
By: nathan wilson
The fields of Digital Forensics and Electronic Disclosure are narrowing. However, there are still specialisms required at both ends of the scale.(read
entire article)
View : 347 Times
Category : Computers
Digital Investigations: The Future Of Voice Processing
By: nathan wilson
Multiple influences are likely to increase the requirement to search voice data. As the technology evolves we may see an increase in the number of companies recording their telephone conversations for exactly this purpose.(read
entire article)
View : 406 Times
Category : Computers
It Consultancy: It Department Transformation
Submitted as: Maria Blanking
IT consultancy can help IT Directors to Help Themselves, and to transform their departments to form closer ties with the business.(read
entire article)
View : 375 Times
Category : Computers
Data Security And Electronic Disclosure:
By: nathan wilson
A brief look at the way in which e-disclosure is currently delivered, and whether it is compatible with data security best practice and data protection law.(read
entire article)
View : 439 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Responding Effectively To Subject Access Requests
By: nathan wilson
The data controller is entitled to ask the data subject for further information that may assist in narrowing down their request for information.(read
entire article)
View : 412 Times
Category : Computers
Mobile Phone Analysis: Risks Associated With Tablet Forensics
By: nathan wilson
Mobile phone forensics is a new and growing field involving techniques for computer investigation and analysis of mobile phones and tablet computers, to establish legal evidence.(read
entire article)
View : 410 Times
Category : Computers
Digital Investigations: Social Media Investigation Tools
Submitted as: Jason Hare
As social media use expands new search tools are available for digital investigations, collating detailed information from a single starting point.(read
entire article)
View : 378 Times
Category : Computers
Contributions To E-disclosure From Steven Whitaker, The Queen's Remembrance
Submitted as: Cclgroup Ltd
It is impossible to ignore the influence and contribution of Steven Whitaker, the former Senior Master and Queen's Remembrance, who was widely held in high regard by litigators and judges alike.(read
entire article)
View : 395 Times
Category : Computers