Here's the recent articles submitted by roderick pabon
Articles By roderick pabon
Informative Info Just For The Competitor Who Will Use Performance Enhancing Compounds
By: roderick pabon
One of the various synthetic form of testosterone is the base used to develop every type of anabolic steroid. Athletes use anabolic steroids mainly to decrease their percentage of body fat and increase the size of their muscles. In addition to athletes, the medical community also has many uses for anabolic steroids. Other benefits available include increased strength and stamina. The chemical formulation of the steroid controls the effect it produces. There is a great variety of these steroids to choose from. People who use these steroids cannot escape the "androgenic effect." This androgen, testosterone, which is used in the steroids, is the hormone that controls the development of the characteristics of males. These types of steroids are grouped into the class known as anabolic-androgen steroids, AAS for short. Here are examples of some of the steroids available and information about each of them.(read
entire article)
View : 366 Times
Category : Health
Here Is A Cross-section Of The Different Anabolic Steroids And Their Application
By: roderick pabon
Anabolic steroids have garnered a bad reputation throughout the years, with just cause. In reality, these steroids can be very dangerous and the aftermath of their use can turn lethal. There are many varieties of steroids in this family of drugs and it is beneficial to learn more about them. The medical community uses a different class of steroids that are only used medically - to treat disease and illness. Often times they can be extremely helpful in dire situations such as with AIDS patients. Medical and scientific research continues to work toward a deeper understanding of steroids.(read
entire article)
View : 523 Times
Category : Politics