Here's the recent articles submitted by james w collins
Articles By james w collins
Dental Emergency Situations That Need Immediate Attention
By: james w collins
Going to the dentist for a treatment or even for a dental check-up requires an appointment to be made, and a schedule to be followed for the necessary procedures. There are cases, however, when it is not possible for a patient to wait to have an appointment to be made, just to see the dentist. These are the dental emergency situations that need to be seen immediately by a medical or dental professional to ensure the complete safety of the patient, and to prevent serious complications from developing.(read
entire article)
View : 469 Times
Category : Health
What Causes Jaw Pain?
By: james w collins
A nagging jaw pain can be a symptom of a serious condition, and as such should not be ignored. The pain may involve only the area surrounding the jaw joint; however, in some cases, the pain ran radiate to the entire head or neck areas. The pain may become so intense that the sufferer will no longer be able to do anything else but to try and deal with the discomfort. Determining what causes the jaw ache is important because this will in turn dictate which course of action will be taken for long-term pain relief and treatment. A visit to the dentist or doctor will be beneficial in the first step towards getting relief from an aching jaw.(read
entire article)
View : 410 Times
Category : Health
Conscious Sedation And Its Advantages For Nervous Patients
By: james w collins
Regular visits to the dentist are important parts of maintaining good dental health. Aside from going to the dentist for regular dental check-ups, these visits may also be necessary for dental problems which require immediate attention for the proper diagnosis and the corresponding treatments. The dental visits can spell the difference between getting a treatment in the earliest stages of a dental problem, and suffering through a painful time when the problem gets more complicated without the proper treatment.(read
entire article)
View : 367 Times
Category : Health
Routine Dental Treatments For Healthy Smiles
Submitted as: jameswcollins
Good dental hygiene habits are important in maintaining a healthy smile. Regular tooth brushing will ensure that the teeth and mouth are cleaned after meals, so that germs and bacteria will not have a chance to multiply inside the mouth. Using dental floss will further help dental hygiene maintenance by getting to any food pieces that may be stuck in between teeth and the gum line, which may not have been reached by regular tooth brushing practises alone.(read
entire article)
View : 286 Times
Category : Health
Dental Problems Caused By Cigarette Smoking
Submitted as: Jameswcollins
Cigarette smoking is addicting. This is the main reason why smokers find it extremely difficult to let go of smoking, even with an awareness of the health risks posed by this habit. Once started, smoking can quickly be habit-forming. For some people, it may take almost a lifetime to be able to quite a nicotine addiction. It is common to hear of long-time smokers quitting, and eventually going back to their old ways for their nicotine fix. Aside from the health problems – such as cancer – associated with cigarette smoking, this habit can also pose serious problems on one's dental health.(read
entire article)
View : 286 Times
Category : Health
Tips For Proper Dental Implant Care
Submitted as: Jameswcollins
Dental implants provide effective solutions to problems caused by missing teeth. The implants are embedded into the jawbone to replace lost teeth, regardless of the number of teeth missing. A single tooth is used to replace one missing tooth, while a series of implants can be used to restore the smile when several or all of the teeth are lost. Dental implants can also improve the use of dentures that have become loose over time.(read
entire article)
View : 285 Times
Category : Health