Here's the recent articles submitted by aruni gunasegaram
Articles By aruni gunasegaram
5 Potty Training Tips That Will Make You Smile
By: aruni gunasegaram
My kids are now 5 ½ and 3 years old and fortunately the potty training gods smiled on us because both were day-time trained around 2 ½ years of age. Thankfully, our oldest (a boy) was trained about 2 months before our daughter was born. He wore Pull-Ups at night until he was 4 but our daughter quit wearing pull ups when she was about 2 years and 9 months old. Ah, it’s so nice not to have buy diapers or Pull-Ups anymore!(read
entire article)
View : 125 Times
Category : Family
Why Keeping A Daily Journal Is Important For Moms And Nannies
By: aruni gunasegaram
By Aruni Gunasegaram, President and Founder of Babble Soft
Excerpt of article written for the International Nanny Association Spring 2008 newsletter.(read
entire article)
View : 127 Times
Category : Family
7 Tips For Successful Breastfeeding
By: aruni gunasegaram
My now 5 ½ year old son was born by emergency c-section making my post birth recovery time challenging because a) I was exhausted, b) he didn’t seem to sleep very much and c) I developed a breast infection. Now a) and b) are par for the course when having a baby but c) knocked me senseless. I didn’t want to take any more medication given that I had just come off of several after the c-section so I waited to see if the pain would go away.(read
entire article)
View : 138 Times
Category : Family
Get Better Sleep After Baby Is Born - Use A Co-sleeper
By: aruni gunasegaram
I know that people have strong opinions about co-sleeping but we found a happy medium. I strongly recommend using a co-sleeper that attaches/sits next to your bed for several months after baby is born. We used the Arm’s Reach Original Co-sleeper with both of our children. With our son we placed it right next to our bed.(read
entire article)
View : 119 Times
Category : Family
5 Ways To Reduce Baby Spit Up
By: aruni gunasegaram
We were blessed with two kids who were pretty good spitter uppers…our son more so than our daughter. If scary, eerie music had started playing in our house when they spit up, I would have been looking for a nearby exorcist. :-)(read
entire article)
View : 115 Times
Category : Family
How To Trim Your Baby's Nails Without Being Reduced Totears
By: aruni gunasegaram
When our son was born we were told to cut his nails while he was sleeping in his crib. Being the sleep-deprived, paranoid mom that I was, following are the reasons why this did not work for me:(read
entire article)
View : 114 Times
Category : Family