Here's the recent articles submitted by jai prakash srivastava
Articles By jai prakash srivastava
Drive Your Recruitment Wheel
By: jai prakash srivastava
If you’re recruiting, say, two new sales execs, you’ll need to see at least eight or ten people. If you interview them all face-to-face, it will take you a couple of days. But with a one-day assessment centre, you can see everyone over a longer period of time, and see how they react in different environments, rather than just for 40 minutes each.(read
entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Business
Growth For Your Business Through Strategic, Proactive Recruitment & Selection Methods
By: jai prakash srivastava
A recent study* claims that UK companies are wasting as much as £13 billion annually by selecting unsuitable job candidates. The recommendation of the analysts is that employers try to develop more sophisticated and rigorous selection and recruitment policies, to ensure they do not merely focus on the costs of hiring a candidate and consider the wider implications of hidden costs associated with an unsuitable candidate being selected.(read
entire article)
View : 207 Times
Category : Business
Ten Practical Tips To Improve Your Recruitment
By: jai prakash srivastava
So, how can you develop more rigorous selection policies?
1. Have a clear understanding of the culture and values of your business and present them to potential candidates as reasons to join. Explain the reasons why people stay within your organisation.(read
entire article)
View : 220 Times
Category : Business
Professional Essay Writing Company
By: jai prakash srivastava
Do you wait until the last minute to complete an essay because the thought of trying to complete a 10 page essay terrifies you? Does essay writing, in general, put you off your feed and give rise to stomach borne butterflies that just cannot be quieted? The answer is to seek an essay writing company that has people who are experienced at producing the types is essays that your professors require and give you the time to complete other important assignments. A professional essay writing company, such as, can make the whole experience a pleasant one. It is not necessary to add to the stresses you already have, simply go on line and complete an order form and you will be on your way to an “A.â€(read
entire article)
View : 224 Times
Category : Business
Customized Cabinets - High In Beauty And Utility
By: jai prakash srivastava
Cabinets make the place look more beautiful and elegant. You can get premium quality cabinets that adorn your place in the perfect manner. Get unique cabinets to decorate the place and increase the storage area by shopping online. Each piece is unique in itself and has great finishing. Commercial high quality lacquers, stains, grain patterns, oil finishes and colors are used to create the cabinets. You can have surfaced and smooth cabinets. Innovative looks are given to the wood pieces with the different kinds of stains on the cabinets. Creativity and durability is what you can look forward from the cabinets.(read
entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Business
Customized Cabinets - High In Beauty And Utility 2
By: jai prakash srivastava
You can easily change the atmosphere of your kitchen by installing custom kitchen cabinets. The design of the cabinet plays an important role to enhance the beauty of the kitchen. There are different types of kitchen cabinets that serve different purposes according to your requirements. The most common types of kitchen cabinets are tall wall cabinets, corner wall cabinets, custom cabinets, shelf pack and larder cabinets which easily make the kitchen elegant and beautiful.(read
entire article)
View : 253 Times
Category : Business
Kitchen Cabinets Enhance The Style & Feel Of Your Kitchen
By: jai prakash srivastava
The cabinets are your kitchen’s core focus point. Kitchen appliances, including: stove, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher among others, only highlight the cabinets in the kitchen. If you are considering buying new kitchen cabinets or remodeling your kitchen the best place to search for a dealer is online.(read
entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Business
Customize And Design Business Cards Online For Your Company
By: jai prakash srivastava
The concept of the business cards is one of the powerful means for individuals and companies to get recognition among the targeted audience. They are one of the most effective ways with the help of which one can grow the business. That is why, it is crucial that the business cards are designed professionally that can leave an immense impact on the mind of the people viewing it. The way in which the business card is designed gives an idea to the other person about the company or the organization. An effectively and decently designed business card can give a positive impression on the person.(read
entire article)
View : 246 Times
Category : Business
Online Business Cards Designing For Great Impact Of Your Company
By: jai prakash srivastava
Business cards are an important tool in creating the impact of one’s brand. Business cards should be designed carefully to leave a lasting impression of one’s company. There is no dearth the business cards that can be opted for making a powerful impact on the clients and associates of your company. You can get the business cards of your company designed by experts to have the best results with the use of latest technology.(read
entire article)
View : 264 Times
Category : Business
Print Business Cards Online And Market Your Business Effectively
By: jai prakash srivastava
Any flourishing business needs successful marketing and promotion. The moment you get into any business, you have to use every means required for selling your product or service, and not only sells it for once but makes individuals keep reverting for more consistently. Business does not mean one time transaction; it includes forging novel partnerships as well as venturing in new arenas and thus, contacting new individuals and developing business associates is an imperative element of a business.(read
entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Business