Here's the recent articles submitted by jai prakash srivastava
Articles By jai prakash srivastava
Six Factors In Choosing A Movie
By: jai prakash srivastava
What is it about a movie that grabs your curiosity and excites you enough to run to the theater?Is it the reviews? Are you such a movie fan that you watch every movie possible? Is it the genre, the actors, the plot? Obviously there is a combination of many reasons that most people decide to watch a movie.(read
entire article)
View : 243 Times
Category : Business
Satellite Internet - Your Health May Rely On It
By: jai prakash srivastava
In America the Internet has become vital in allowing individuals to have greater access to health information, products and services. Though this may seem ordinary to us, rural communities have long faced challenges in getting adequate local health care, let alone the benefits of acquiring information we take for granted. The ability to acquire high-speed broadband Internet access would almost assuredly transform small rural communities in terms of economic benefits by reducing transportation time and expenses, reducing missed time at work, increasing the effectiveness of lab and pharmacy work and provide savings to health facilities.(read
entire article)
View : 205 Times
Category : Business
Satellite Internet - Social Impacts Of Broadband Internet
By: jai prakash srivastava
With the proposed Broadband Stimulus plan, set forth by the Federal Government to enable rural areas of the country to have access to high-speed Internet services. An old fear has arisen, the erosion of community interactions in small town America. The theory was always that community involvement and participation would be lost forever as end users sought out their own virtual communities of shared interest over the Internet.(read
entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Business
Satellite Internet - Service Sector Oppotunities In The Internet Economy
By: jai prakash srivastava
Over the last several decades the service sector has experienced the most employment growth in the United States. This sector is especially conducive for Broadband applications. Services makes up roughly 50% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and is ripe with opportunities for rural Americans that have access to Broadband Internet connections.(read
entire article)
View : 229 Times
Category : Business
Rural Broadband Internet's Effect On Small Town Economies
By: jai prakash srivastava
The Government's commitment to providing high-speed Internet connections to rural America through the Federal Broadband Stimulus program, may have a positive economic effect for customers accessing newly born services. However, the effect on rural businesses may not be so positive.(read
entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Business
Paranormal Activity Keeps You Awake!
By: jai prakash srivastava
I ventured out to the theater Saturday night to see Paranormal Activity because the suspense was killing me! I must say that I was slightly annoyed at the fact that I had no choice but to pay more to watch it in the "Director's Hall". The only difference between this theater and the regular one is the fact that they have leather seats and ushers available nearby so you don't need to wait in line to order a $5.00 bottle of water. I was happy with the fact that the armrests pull up so you can sit closer to your significant other. The movie theater armrests are always set too high and are annoying so I sucked it up and realized that it may have been worth the extra cash for this little amenity. Enough about that- let's get to the movie.(read
entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Business
Life Of A First Time Fantasy Football Owner
By: jai prakash srivastava
When I signed up for a fantasy football league the first time, I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew a lot about football and players from different teams around the league in general, but I had always cheered for certain players that I liked, and wished other players would just run into the goal post during games like Terrell Owens.(read
entire article)
View : 233 Times
Category : Business
Haunted Movie Sets And Ghostly Encounters
By: jai prakash srivastava
Can there be a curse on the set of a movie?
Some say yes. Here are some crazy instances of death and haunting on set:
You have probably heard about the fact that a number of people died who were involved in this movie- Seven to be exact. Carol Anne (Heather O’Rourke) was only twelve when she died during a bowel obstruction surgery. Dominique Dunne was strangled by her boyfriend at just 22. Will Sampson died from a heart-lung transplant at 53. Brian Gibson and Julian Beck both died of different types of cancer.(read
entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Business
Five Musicians Who Should Have Been Famous
By: jai prakash srivastava
Pete Best, Former Drummer, The Beatles
How can you be kicked out of the greatest rock band ever? Pete Best goes down in history as the most famous person, famous for not being famous. Best left the band just two years before their historic Ed Sullivan show. The reasons behind Pete Best's notorious 1962 dismissal as The Beatles' drummer have been a point of debate among Beatlemaniacs for decades. Some claim he lacked the solid beats needed to support a rock band, while others claim John and Paul vainly wanted a less attractive drummer. Considering his replacement was the dubious-looking Ringo Starr, the second theory actually seems likely.(read
entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Business
Five Female Pioneers In Film
By: jai prakash srivastava
Amelia will be premiering in movie theaters tonight. Hilary Swank will star as Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly an airplane over the Atlantic Ocean. This historical moment reminded me of a few women who made their mark in film history. I came up with five female pioneers in film but the list goes on for miles!(read
entire article)
View : 309 Times
Category : Business