Here's the recent articles submitted by shanti bhushan pathak
Articles By shanti bhushan pathak
Mlm Genealogy Leads Can Make Your Mlm Business Explode
Submitted as: Don jeffery
If you are planning to become successful running an MLM business you should focus on recruiting experienced MLM distributors. Experienced network marketers believe in the MLM business model and require little training. Most importantly, however, is that experienced network marketers already know other network marketers that they can bring into your business. This is the secret to mlm success and this is how nearly all top distributors recruit. Recruiting your warm market is a great way to lose friends. If you try to recruit opportunity seekers you will spend countless hours explaining the multi-level marketing business model even more time training and hand-holding. Recruiting experienced network marketers is your ticket to swift mlm success.(read
entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Business
Sms Based Marketing-the Mantra Of Marketers
Submitted as: Humayun Miah
SMS marketing has become the new mantra of marketers. Many a times we get a message from different companies announcing a service or a product. This is a strategy followed by many companies because, it is the best way to get a message across to a large user group. Text marketing is not a very new concept. However in recent times sms text messaging has been used most effectively by companies to sell a product or service. Bulk sms providers are doing their part by acting as enablers who help the companies to send out bulk sms's to their customers. However, the phenomenon of bulk sms is not only limited to companies trying to sell their products. It has a wider scope where it is being used by companies to reach out to employees, political parties reaching out to supporters and the public and law enforcement agencies trying to create awareness among the public.(read
entire article)
View : 177 Times
Category : Business
Pci Dss Compliance Basics For Credit Card Data Security
Submitted as: Bryan Johnson
There are 12 core requirements and roughly 250 controls, but as an oversimplification it boils down to three things: 1) all merchants, regardless if credit card data is stored, must achieve and maintain compliance at all times (all deadlines have passed); 2) merchants cannot store certain credit card information including CVV2, CVC2 and CID codes (three or four-digit numbers), track data from the magnetic strip or PIN data; 3) if permitted credit card information such as name, credit card number and expiration date is stored, certain security standards are required. A number of recent high profile breaches have been raising awareness and risks associated with PCI Compliance.(read
entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Business
Buying Tips For Belts And Other Fashion Accessories
Submitted as: Ron Meltzer
Buying high quality fashion accessories is a passion for many youngsters. Leather Belts, sunglasses, jeans chains, waist bags, wallets and biker belts are accessories which make a fashion statement for many people. Now the question that comes to the mind of many people is where to get the best quality designer products at the best rates. Apart from main street fashion stores, these products can be bought online. I have bought my share of fashion items online for quite sometime now. The question is are these products authentic and is it worth the money that we are paying? The answer is a resounding "yes"! If we buy the goods from the right places, we can be assured of getting a great deal.(read
entire article)
View : 192 Times
Category : Business