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Articles By esl school
Directory Of International Schools And Study Abroad Programs
Submitted as: Daren
International schools—schools that offer courses different from the normal school curriculum of the host country—are becoming more and more common as an educational option(read
entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Education
Study Abroad Programs: A Few Helpful Tips To Make The Most Out Of Your Experience
Submitted as: Daren
Each year, thousands of students pack their bags, heading to one of the many participating foreign countries involved in the various study abroad programs throughout the world, and for most of them, this journey will be the experience of a lifetime. In fact, some students have enjoyed their travels so much that they have participated in study abroad programs multiple times.(read
entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Education
Study Abroad Programs And Scholarships
Submitted as: Daren
Study abroad programs have become so popular that many foundations and organizations have begun promoting them by offering scholarships for those students who are willing to participate. To illustrate the diversity of programs and the many funding opportunities available, here we will outline just a few of these study abroad programs and scholarships, along with the details and requirements of each.(read
entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Education
Student Host Families: How To Become A Host Family
Submitted as: Daren
Student host families are the bedrock on which international exchange programs are built, and while it's true that the generosity and caring of these families has changed many students lives for the better, most student host families will tell you that they, too, benefit greatly from these programs.(read
entire article)
View : 240 Times
Category : General
Spain Educators Service Providers: Helping To Serve Educators And Students Throughout The World
Submitted as: Daren
Service providers in Spain offer customized training programs and study tours, giving both local and foreign educators, business professionals and international students the opportunity to visit Spain and study some of the important aspects of this vibrant country.(read
entire article)
View : 243 Times
Category : Education
Study In Spain: Academics Service Providers
Submitted as: Daren
Study abroad programs have become very popular among both secondary and university school students, but sadly, many schools, including a lot of colleges and universities, either don't offer study abroad programs or the options they offer with regard to location are very limited.(read
entire article)
View : 299 Times
Category : Education
International Students Accommodation: What You Need To Know
Submitted as: Daren
International students need not be concerned about supervision or safety in these dormitories. In each dorm there are supervisors, usually called “resident advisers” or “resident directors,” that are employed by the University.(read
entire article)
View : 309 Times
Category : Education
A Closer Look At International Schools Programs
Submitted as: Daren
International schools programs are those that endorse international education. They do this by using a core curriculum that is different from the country where the school is actually located. Many international schools programs use an international curriculum, such as the popular International Baccalaureate or the Cambridge Internal Examinations curriculum, the latter of which is very popular in India.(read
entire article)
View : 375 Times
Category : Education
High School Study Abroad Programs
Submitted as: Daren
High school study abroad programs are very well-respected. Offering semester and full academic year options, the CIEE program has campuses in a number of diverse international locations, including, but certainly not limited to, Brazil, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Spain, Japan and Australia.(read
entire article)
View : 312 Times
Category : Education
Foreign Student Exchange And Student Visas
Submitted as: Daren
Every foreign student exchange student applying for a student visa must undergo a digital fingerprint scan as part of the application process. This is a very quick process and can usually be scheduled on the day of your interview.(read
entire article)
View : 334 Times
Category : Education