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Articles By sam connolly

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10 Tips For A Romantic Dinner For Two    Submitted as: Samantha Connolly
It doesn't have to be a special occasion to have a romantic dinner with your loved one. Even if neither of you is a good cook, you can still have that fancy restaurant feel in your own home-without the bill. Here are 10 tips on enjoying a romantic dinner at home.(read entire article)
View : 237 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

10 Things To Discuss Before Marriage    Submitted as: Samantha Connolly
Getting married is very exciting! First the proposal, then the ring, and of course the big day! But getting married isn't only about the wedding-the quality of the marriage that follows is what really counts. So how do you make sure you start on the right path? Read on for the 10 most important things you should discuss before marriage.(read entire article)
View : 218 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

Date Ideas That Won't Put A Whole In Your Wallet    Submitted as: Samantha Connolly
Bored of the regular dinner and a movie? Don't want to spend $5oo dollars to go somewhere special? Try these budget date ideas to get closer to your special someone without putting a hole in your wallet(read entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : Family

How To Attract With Your Profile Picture    Submitted as: Samantha Connolly
When it comes to online dating a picture is definitely worth a thousand words, maybe even more. Why you ask? Even though you have the best profile ever written, if your picture doesn't intrigue, nothing else will.(read entire article)
View : 186 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

Dating Tips For Overweight Women    Submitted as: Samantha Connolly
If you are an overweight women, you may feel a little disheartened when getting ready for dates. You may feel that being overweight prevents you from looking attractive. And of course attractiveness is a key factor in dating.(read entire article)
View : 237 Times
Category : Beauty

Free Advertising Methods For Your Website/blog    Submitted as: Samantha Connolly
If you have ever tried avertising your website or blog you probably know that it is really easy to blow a lot of money and not get a whole lot in return. Or maybe you are new to the online world and are looking for some great ways to build up your traffic. Whatever it may be, here are my top five free advertsing methods (in no particular order).(read entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Marketing

Bad First Date Signs That Are Really Good    Submitted as: Samantha Connolly
So your on your first date, and it's going terribly. Bad_First_Date_SignsOr is it really? Turns out that it's only a matter of perspective. The same things that are making your date a flop could actually signal something much better. Keep reading for some signs that your ruined date it anything but.(read entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

Do You Have Bad Online Dating Habits?    Submitted as: Samantha Connolly
So you've decided to sign up for an online dating site, you've uploaded your best photo, and edited your profile to perfection. you've been waiting months and still have not gotten any responses. Stop worrying about it! Online dating can be a game that you could simply be playing wrong. If you want to find your perfect match, read here for the rules of the game:(read entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

5 Things To Do Before A Date    Submitted as: Samantha Connolly
You only have one chance to make your first impression, and you'll want to make sure it isn't your last. Show up to your date prepared, both physically and mentally. Prepping for a first date is like stretching before a workout. It'll keep you at the top of your game, and stop you from hurting yourself if things get heated.(read entire article)
View : 265 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

15 At-home Date Ideas    Submitted as: Samantha Connolly
Keeping your date simple and at home can be a great way to connect with your date or loved one without spending a dime. Whether you have a new date, or are keeping things fresh with your long-time love, staying home is a good change of pace from the regular dinner and a movie. Try these ideas for a fun yet simple date night.(read entire article)
View : 276 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

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