Here's the recent articles submitted by maria gini
Articles By maria gini
Synaptics Fuse New Smartphone Concept
By: maria gini
Synaptics Inc. announced the Fuse™, a collaborative mobile phone concept, demonstrating the future of user interaction for handsets. Integrating for the first time multiple interface technologies—including multi-touch capacitive sensing, haptic feedback, 3-D graphics, and force, grip, and proximity sensing—the Fuse concept phone showcases exciting new mobile device usage models.(read
entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Apple Ipad- Including Announced Ibooks And Iworks For Mac
By: maria gini
Yesterday at Apple’s big media event in San Fran, the long-awaited-10-years-in-the-making, Apple® introduced iPad, a revolutionary device for browsing the web, reading and sending email, enjoying photos, watching videos, listening to music, playing games, reading e-books and much more. iPad’s responsive high-resolution Multi-Touch™ display lets you physically interact with applications and content.(read
entire article)
View : 248 Times
Category : Computers
Heil Pr-40
By: maria gini
A unique screen system, using two different diameter mesh screens and an internal breath blast filter, allow the user to talk closely to the microphone with little worry of pops or excessive sibilance. The large diameter dynamic element is mounted in a unique Sorbothane © shock mount atop a non-resonant fixture, decoupling the element from the massive steel body. This body and the internal hum bucking coil removes any worry of using the PR 40 near monitor screens or noisy lighting fixtures and controls...(read
entire article)
View : 284 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Pathway's Hovercam
By: maria gini
The USB-powered HoverCam all-in-one scanner takes a snapshot of the document placed beneath its lens in a split second, much like a camera, and takes up much less desktop space than a tradional flatbed scanner.
Pathway Innovations and Technologies says their HoverCam’s capabilities make scanning, faxing, emailing, archiving and organizing files a quicker, neater and more enjoyable experience…….(read
entire article)
View : 280 Times
Category : Computers
Olympus Stylus Tough 8000 & 6000
By: maria gini
Olympus’ unique range of waterproof, shockproof and freeze proof TOUGH Digital Camera has grown with the addition of the 12 Mega pixels TOUGH-8000 and the 10 Mega pixels TOUGH-6000. Both models feature 3.6x wide zoom lenses, great for taking awesome wide-angle photos of rugged terrain and for zooming in on the distant bits that you can’t get to.(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Smartdesks Viewpoint- For Efficient Hd Conferencing
By: maria gini
CBT/SMARTdesks, a leading supplier of computer classroom and conference room furniture, introduced a new model for HD videoconferencing with the Viewpointâ„¢ self-contained mobile studio for HD communications over IP.Viewpoint packages all components required for HD conferencing in one compact solution, allowing businesses, educators, healthcare professionals, lawyers, government agencies, and many others to easily achieve professionally produced results.(read
entire article)
View : 278 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Igugu Gamecore
By: maria gini
iGUGU GameCore gives you the freedom to play the most sophisticated games from your PC and Internet, the way they’re meant to be played. Today’s PCs are the most powerful videogame consoles in existence. However, the estimated 1.2 billion PCs in use around the world are ill-suited for the level of gaming they can provide, only using the keyboard and mouse, designed primarily for writing letters and spreadsheets.(read
entire article)
View : 299 Times
Category : Games
Tracking Key Pro Passive Gps Device
By: maria gini
GPS tracking receivers of all kinds capture signals from satellites orbiting the planet and determine the location of the receiver based on those readings. The user follows the object’s movements on a personal computer or smart phone. Real-time, also known as active, GPS tracking systems tell where a vehicle is, in real time. Passive vehicle tracking devices such as the GPS Tracking Key Pro vehicle tracking system record travel history and the user can later download the data and analyze it at a time when it is convenient to them.(read
entire article)
View : 284 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Bose Quiet Comfort 15 Cancels Noise..big Time!
By: maria gini
At first blush, the difference between the new Bose QuietComfort 15 noise-cancelling headphones and its predecessor, the QuietComfort 2, is hardly noticeable, but compare their noise dampening function together and the QuietComfort 15s do a far superior job of quieting ambient annoyance to practically silence, much like its redesigned little brother the QuietComfort 3s.(read
entire article)
View : 277 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Silverpac Silverstat 7 Touchscreen Home Energy Management Sys
By: maria gini
SilverPAC has announced a new touchscreen programmable thermostat that not only controls your heating and air conditioning, but can communicate with smart home meters, outlets, and switches to help you manage your entire household energy use.(read
entire article)
View : 243 Times
Category : Home and Garden