Here's the recent articles submitted by davis walker
Articles By davis walker
Landlord Background Checks
Submitted as: Any landlord or property owner would naturally con
Any landlord or property owner would naturally conduct background checks and credit checks in order to assess the renter's capability to pay.
Below you will find some common questions that a landlord would ask. You will also find some more info on how to conduct your own Landlord background checks in the link given at the end of this article. But before that, let's look at the questions:
1. Why are you moving in?
Expect this most basic question from a landlord. The landlord wishes to know the reasons for you to move in to his property. Job change, location suitability etc are good reasons. Beware if you have given incorrect answers. That would make the Landlord suspicious of your motives and he may deny you his room for stay.
2. When do you plan to move-in?
The landlord wants to know if his renter is serious about moving-in. However, beware if you say you want to move in tomorrow itself. It might make him suspicious about you, as he may think that you might be a felon or that you may want to escape from someone.
Responsible renters plan a month well in advance, about moving-in into another property. However, if you have a sudden job change or transfer, then it is fine to tell him so. A proof of your job change or transfer is enough to convince him of your truthfulness.
3. What is your monthly income?
This is another question which the landlord would ask. By this question, he/she wishes to assess your credit worthiness. Respond so accordingly. If you have a comfortable income by which you can pay rent, then all the better.
4. Will you provide security deposit and first month rent?
If the landlord asks for this, then he wishes to know if you are serious to move into his property. If you have the funds available for this, then promptly say so, so that his doubts are cleared. It also would mean that he will consider you as credit worthy, and would be interested to rent his property to you.
If however, you are not able to immediately fulfill his demand then negotiate with him regarding this matter. If he is satisfied with your income statements and your credit worthiness, it is possible to convince him to accept security deposit after you move in.
Do know this though, that the more delay you make, the more the landlord would make case against you to evict you from his property.
5. How many people will live in the apartment? Do you have any pets?
A usual question that a landlord may ask. He would want to know as he may have that room made for either two people, or it would just be for one person.
If he has a “No pets” policy, then you may not want to rent his property, as he would not allow your pets to stay with you.
6. Employer and former landlord references please.
Yep! He wants to find out about your employment and previous rent history. If you have had an issue with a previous landlord, then you should be upfront about it before he may ask you a further question about whether you were evicted or not.
Do try to be as honest as possible when it comes to giving references. Avoiding this and making excuses about references would make him suspicious.
7. Have you been evicted?
This is his way of trying to find out about your past behavior or your past credit worthiness.
If you are confident about your credit worthiness, then you should be as truthful as you can. After all, who hasn't faced some troubles in life?
If however, your eviction was due to your own conduct and behavior then that would be a red flag for the landlord. You may want to stress upon your creditworthiness, and you would want to assure him that such behavior would not be repeated again.
8. Do you have any questions?
As simple as that! You are the renter after all. You want to stay on in his property and you pay for the rent. It would be good for you to inspect his property and find out any legal issues or problems related to provision of utilities such as power, water, gas etc.(read
entire article)
View : 381 Times
Category : Business
Flaunt Your Bags With Fashion
By: davis walker
When it comes to bag its very important part of a women's life style. There is a saying that 'a woman carries her whole world in her bag'. Thus, with the popularity of the bags, every woman gets wooed by jus the name 'BAG'.(read
entire article)
View : 460 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Burn Calories In A Better Way
Submitted as: People at large opt for weight loss program, which
People at large opt for weight loss program, which at times do not serve the purpose that end up in a messy shape. People also opt for dieting, which is not a suitable option for weight loss as by doing so you may not be getting sufficient nutrients that your body needs. In this way they will be suffering from malnutrition. Doing regular exercises would definitely be fruitful but people tend to skip the daily routine as it takes a lot of time to lose weight through exercise.
People have an impression that it would be a better option to go for dieting. No doubt that people who are firm enough may lose weight but people who are not firm on their diet patterns might suffer from heart-attacks and other health issues if at all weight loss process is not done in proper way. Instead, eating high protein food is a better & ‘healthier' way for weight loss. Consuming high protein food like protein smoothies is a perfect way for weight loss. High protein food does not directly reduce weight, but indirectly, does make you lose weight; this is because high protein foods for weight loss like protein shakes make your stomach so full, you'd not get hungry for at-least 3-4 hours after drinking it. This naturally stops you from munching eating junk food, and eating on irregular time intervals.
Well, if you think that you are going crazy by walking on treadmill and tired of having diet pills. Here are few health tips that you have to consider while you opt for losing weight.
You must see to it that you consume less oily food and go for quality oils that have comparatively less fat. Oils and fats are important part of nutrients it is just that excessive consumption of these oils leads to fat generation, which gets accumulated and takes more time to burn. Vegetable oils are the worst type of oils. You must not go for the vegetable oils when you opt for losing weight. Ghee, coconut oil and extra virgin Olive oil are the oils that Diet experts suggest to have, when it comes to healthy oil consumption to maintain fat components in the body.
Processed food products like chicken, chips, cookies and other bread products should not be consumed while you opt for losing weight. All these food items respond negative alert to body's hormones, which tend to store the fats rather burning them.
Organic salad of fruits and veggies is a must when it comes to high Protein consumption. As you cut down upon wheat and other cereals, which have starch content, you must balance the food consumption by replacing fruits like apple, Spring Salads and vegetable like cucumber are quick remedies in the process of weight loss. These Organic Protein rich foods will not only help to boost your metabolism but also help you to lose weight.(read
entire article)
View : 484 Times
Category : Health
All About Maqui Berries
Submitted as: Maqui berries are native to the country of Chile.
Maqui berries are native to the country of Chile. Majority of its cultivation takes place in the Patagonian region of chile in the Andes Mountains, which has high altitude climate and temperature. Majority of the berries in the market are grown in either the wilds, or in people's homes. It is not cultivated on a mass scale.
The benefits of Maqui berries are well attested in historical accounts.
Historically, the Mapuche tribes of the old Incan yore are heavy users of maqui berries. They use it in their rituals, and also as traditional medicine to cure diarrhea, sore throat, birth delivery problems, tumors etc. As per the accounts of the Conquistadors(Spanish musket soldiers on a exploration of South America), these tribe's warriors never used to have much solid food, but used to have high stamina and endurance in battles, due to maqui drinks prepared in a tribal traditional manner.
The plant grows into a tree 4-5 meters tall. The harvesting season is from December to march, and local families collect the berries either from their own home grow trees or collecting wild berries from the forests.
The plant requires full sunlight, with a slightly acidic soil. Also, it can be planted on used soil and it re-fertilizes it.
The berries are around 4mm to 6mm in diameter and can be eaten fresh. It tastes somewhat similar to blackberries. Hence it is also called Chile wine berry. It is used as an ingredient to prepare the popular fermented chicha beverages of Chile.
Recent research has been shedding light on the properties and the kind of nutrients in the Maqui berries.
Research indicates that Maqui berries have the highest anti-oxidants among all berries. The cousin of maqui called Acai berries comes a distant second when it comes to anti-oxidant levels. Anti-oxidants are those kind of natural substances that remove free radicals from our body. Free radicals react with our body cells and increase oxidation process and the gradual ageing off our body. They are thus responsible for early ageing.
The anti-oxidant level is measured by ORAC(Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score.
In this case, Maqui berries score a whooping 27,000 as against 16,000 of Acai berries. This makes Maqui berries as the highest source of anti-oxidants among all foods. It scores even more than that of green tea and other anti-oxidants.
There are many, many health benefits of Maqui berries that can't be written in one sitting. The entire web is littered with articles on it. Below, links are given which will give more information on the benefits of Maqui berries.(read
entire article)
View : 532 Times
Category : Health
Maqui Berries & Health Benefits
Submitted as: This article focuses on Maqui berries, native to C
This article focuses on Maqui berries, native to Chilean climate. Maqui berries are found in South America, especially Chile. It grows in high altitude region of Andes Mountains, and requires sunlight all year around. Mostly it is cultivated wild or is grown in homes by those who use it frequently. Especially I Chile, tribal people grow them for their own medicinal uses.
Health benefits of Maqui berries are well attested in historical records.
Even today, Pre-Spanish tribe called the Mapuche still use it in their daily rituals and preparation of traditional medicine. When the conquistadores(Spanish soldier explorers, armed with muskets on a horse), arrived in the South America, they were amazed to find that the warriors of the tribe ate little solid food, and yet had great stamina ad endurance to fight long battles. Such was the praise heaped on this berry.
The tree bearing Maqui berries is of Deciduas kind. It grows in an acidic soil. It can also grow easily in barren soil and can re-nourish it.
The plant grows into a blossoming tree 4-5 meters tall. It is harvested from December to march, and local families collect the berries either from their own home grow trees or collect wild berries from the virgin forests.
The berries can be eaten fresh and are 4mm to 6mm I diameter. It's taste is somewhat similar to blackberries. It is also called as Chilean wine berry, as it is also used to in fermentation of wine. It is also used as an ingredient to prepare the popular fermented chicha beverages of Chile.
Research has been ongoing regarding the properties and the kind of nutrients in the Maqui berries.
A recent research indicates that Maqui berries have the highest anti-oxidants among all berries. Acai berries are another kind of berries with anti-oxidants, but even then it comes a distant second when it comes to anti-oxidant levels. Anti-oxidants fight against and absorb free radicals. Free radicals react with our body cells and increase oxidation process and the gradual ageing off our body. They are thus responsible for early ageing. In this, Maqui berries are beneficial and can prolong a person's life span.
The anti-oxidant level is measured by ORAC(Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score.
In an experiment done to measure anti-oxidant levels, Maqui berries scored a whooping 27,000 as against 16,000 of Acai berries. This makes Maqui berries as the highest source of anti-oxidants among all foods. It scores even more than that of green tea and other anti-oxidants. It is the reason why, so much marketing and propagation goes on about its ant-oxidant properties.
The entire web is filled with such articles on it. Below, links are given which will give more information on the health benefits of Maqui berries.(read
entire article)
View : 441 Times
Category : Health
Business That Functions On Technology
Submitted as: The technological changes help mankind to live lif
The technological changes help mankind to live life in an easy way. Comfort and safety are the two major aspects that are taken into consideration while innovating or modifying new stuff. We mark that there are many latest technological stuff having a lot of demand.
As there are many different businesses flourishing in the market with the increase in the competition to make their brand visible to public at large, they use the latest branding technology to promote their brand.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the latest technology of this year that every business is opting for the branding of their products, such that their brand becomes visible to the public at large.
SEO is a brand new Technological Changes that has taken place in this year. As there are millions of internet users and these numbers of users would keep on increasing with the upcoming technologies like smart phones, palmtops, laptops, tablets and the list is endless of such gadgets in the year 2014. These internet users spend a lot of time online as every possible thing is there on net. People these days take help of digital media to solve their problems. Digital Media is the newest technology of this year that has grabbed the attention of public at large. Digital media has flourished worldwide to provide public with information, entertainment and awareness.
This is the time where SEO comes into the picture. Search Engine Optimization drives traffic, leads and sales. SEO helps small business to grow through online visibility of their product to reach hundreds of other people residing in different countries across the globe. For the big Enterprise or Companies with big business SEO helps to maintain their brand reputation. SEO for such big enterprise helps to capture more loyal consumers and increase the ROI. SEO are those supreme marketing materials or tools that will help improve your rankings, drive more business and make a real impact in the online market. You must find the latest tools and insights to take your marketing to the next level. When Internet users search for your products or services, your website needs to be the first one they find. SEO helps the search engines recognize your relevance to specific keywords that people search for online. The search engine optimization process includes researching keywords, creating content, building links and making sure your website is visible in the search engines. In this way your company is being promoted worldwide and makes awareness about your brand to the public at large for the growth of your business.(read
entire article)
View : 526 Times
Category : General
Few Things To Know About Real Estate
By: davis walker
What is real estate? How does it factor in the working of the economy? How does it benefit real estate owners and investors? This article seeks to inform readers about what real estate is and what benefits one can reap from it.(read
entire article)
View : 423 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure
Attitude Towards Fitness And Fitness Tips
Submitted as: Fitness is the optimum level of performance that a
Fitness is the optimum level of performance that a physical body can engage in. In the older times, fitness was considered as the physical ability to exert in work without getting heavily fatigued at the end of the day.
In today's modern times, the rise of hypokinetic diseases (Obesity, heart attack, diabetes etc), due to sedentary lifestyle has changed the definition of fitness.
A physically fit person has good lean muscle mass, lower cholesterol and fat, and is able to indulge in sports and perform well. For athletes, fitness would mean peak performance in sports.
For a fat person, fitness would mean lower fat concentration, and for others, it just means a daily bout of jogging.
Every person thus has his own perception about fitness. For many others, bulky muscle mass and sculpted physique would be fitness for them.
But, then many people find exercise as “work outs” that are unpleasant and stressful. Many such people resort to shortcuts, such as steroids, over working out, excessive protein supplement consumption, fat burning pills etc.
An entire industry these days has come up on the fitness mantra. It is worth billions of Dollars, and manufactures supplements, pills, diets, steroids, etc.
It also touts to give effective physical fitness tips to every person, as if they are physiologically the same.
We are bombarded everyday with so many kinds of information. Some recommend heavy workouts, others recommend light ones. Some ask us, to use protein supplements, others ask us to stay away from them.
All these kinds of information can overwhelm people and make it difficult to setup proper and suitable exercise regimes.
Fact of the matter is that every individual has different biological needs and has different genetic makeup. Some people have great mesomorph body shape and can easily gain muscle mass, while others have ectomorph body shape and cannot gain mass easily.
Such kinds of people need different advice and different exercise regimes that can benefit them greatly.
But more than that, it is the attitude to fitness that defines whether a person remains in peak physical condition, or that he abandons it and goes back to square one.
Attitude towards fitness is what makes or breaks a fitness freak.
An attitude towards fitness must be such, that gym sessions be as essential as a breakfast. Such an attitude will never make a person bored of going to the gym. He never gets tired of exercise routines and enjoys the workout as a challenge to indulge himself to physically extreme limits.
A positive attitude to fitness plays a long term role in a having a perfectly fit body and mental health. It increases confidence in a person, and makes him mentally as well as physically active.(read
entire article)
View : 475 Times
Category : Health
Fairness Formula Which Makes You Feel Good
Submitted as: Looks matter a lot when it comes to personal choic
Looks matter a lot when it comes to personal choice at large. We always look forward to the people who have glowing skin and consider them to be flashing personality. We always look forward to the beauty care products and skin treatment to have a glowing and healthy skin. Skin that shines bright and fair get the maximum attention as compared to the dark or dusky skin. People at large apply skin whitening products to feel good about their appearance. The glamour has taken the flight off. Now-a-days generation is color conscious and always look forward for beauty treatment be it a male or a female.
When it comes to Cosmetic industry they always make you feel that you must rely upon make-up to feel confident and look good. These cosmetic brands are successful in convincing you that you are incomplete without their products.
With the change in trends and competition in the cosmetic world, there are many cosmetics that has managed to grow but among all the cosmetics the one which is effective is Beauty Balm which is also known as BB Cream. BB Cream is now promoted as all in one facial cosmetic which replaces serums, Premier, Foundation and Sun Block. BB creams comes in the form of different hues which suits different tones. BB cream is promoted as multi-tasking and all in one cream. The coverage of BB cream is mineral based and is less heavy as compared to the Foundation.BB cream has broad spectrum protection that's been approved by the FDA, that soothes and moisturizes skin, disguises blemishes, and has anti-aging properties.
People go for skin lightening pills as well that will help their skin to glow and give a better hue as compared to the past. These lightening pills contain Vitamin C which helps to brighten your skin. These pills promote healthy and renewable cells which make the skin fair. It is advisable to consult the doctor before using any such treatment or pills. The Dermatologists would suggest you better options which would be beneficial for your healthy skin. If you consume too many of such Whitening products or lightening pills it might be possible that you suffer from bad health issues and end up spoiling your skin. It is always a better option to use herbal products and homemade material for facial which could be prepared from vegetables and fruits rather than going for the products that are made up of chemicals.(read
entire article)
View : 439 Times
Category : Beauty
Work Out For Extreme Fitness
Submitted as: You might have seen those Shaolin monks, on the te
You might have seen those Shaolin monks, on the television. You might have seen the years of dedication they gave to develop themselves as they are. And then people think that is it extraordinary for them to do so.
In the same manner, you may also think that it may take hours and hours of your life as you build lean muscle mass in your body, going to gym every day.
It is not like that. What you see, is not what it is all the time.
If we describe what fitness is, here is what you can find on Wikipedia:
“Physical fitness is a general state of health and well-being or specifically the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, exercise, hygiene and rest. It is a set of attributes or characteristics that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity.”
You might also want to know that recent research has pointed out the benefits of physical exercise, on the working of the brain. It indicated that blood circulation to the brain increases, which improves its functioning.
That may be great, especially for those who are into work that involves excessive use of Brain power.
So, it is known that physical fitness and mental health are correlated. Thus, a daily exercise routine is beneficial for the overall well-being of the body.
It's all about you after all, and your own physical self.
Then, we can guess that those monks surely must be in a perfect state of mental health. If you go by their philosophy, the mind and body are related and co-dependent on one another for existence. An effect on one of them also manifests on another. If the mind is not in good health, physical well being is affected. Visa versa, if body is not in good state, the mind is not in good health.
Fitness is measured on the following parameters if we go by medical jargons:
1. Cardio respiratory endurance
2. Muscular strength
3. Muscular endurance
4. Body composition
5. Flexibility
These five parameters are used internationally, to judge and gauge a person's physical fitness levels.
A person, who is scores good in these parameter has a great physical fitness.
Do you wish to work out for extreme fitness?
What kind of physical exercises are good for you?
You may then want to read below links for the same.(read
entire article)
View : 346 Times
Category : Health