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Articles By davis walker

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4 Reasons Why Stevia Is Better Than Any Other Sweetener    Submitted as: From a health point of view, sugar is your enemy;
From a health point of view, sugar is your enemy; however, this does not mean that you must give up on sweets. The sweetener stevia is made from the leaves of the plant stevia that is native to South America. People in South America have been using it to sweeten their foods and beverages for over hundreds of years. The Food and Drug Administration approved Stevia as a natural sweetener in December 2008. And since then, its commercial use has rapidly increased in the United States. Due to its many health benefits, it has a rapidly growing popularity. It is now available under a variety of brand names. You can buy natural Stevia extracts online and trying this absolutely amazing zero-calorie and zero carbohydrate sweetener for yourself. You can make a comparative study of the brands that sell stevia extracts or powders and get the best offer. Here are some of the advantages of using Stevia as a sweetener: 1) It helps reduce food cravings One of the main reasons why stevia is very popular is that it helps people lose weight. It is used in sweetening foods and beverages so that people who need to reduce the calorie intake do not have to sacrifice the sweet foods they love. It can also help in weight loss by working as an appetite suppressant. You can swallow a few drops of concentrated stevia about 20 minutes before eating. Since stevia is all natural and has no known side effects, it can be certainly safe than taking those dangerous diet pills! Studies have shown that it also reduces the desire for tobacco and alcohol. 2) It helps regulate blood sugar: Doctors in Paraguay have been prescribing stevia since decades to their diabetic patients since stevia has properties which help to stabilize the blood sugar. While regular sugar can cause a sudden increase in one's blood sugar followed by a rapid drop, stevia leaves keeps the flow more constant. Patients with hypertension (high Blood Pressure) have also benefited from using stevia leaf as it helps to lower their BP. 3) It prevent cavities: When it is used in chewing gums and beverages, stevia can actually help prevent cavities from developing. It slows down the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth which causes plaque. It is thus used in toothpaste or mouthwash as it helps reduce problems with bleeding gums. 4) It has health-promoting antioxidants: It has been observed that those who use stevia in oral care as well as in foods and beverages, come down with cold and flu less frequently. This is due to the many antioxidants and other nutrients like vitamins A and C, magnesium, zinc and iron in it.(read entire article)
View : 678 Times
Category : General

Tips On How To Build Your Muscles    Submitted as: If you are interested in body building you can sta
If you are interested in body building you can start by learning some basics of building muscles and research about the nutritional needs and the exercise routines. Here are a few tips on building muscles effectively. 1) Exercise: You can acquire body mass through the right set of bodybuilding exercises. Working out is the best way to get a great body and a strong physique. Apart from that, it will also help develop the flexibility of your body, promote overall health of your body, as well as increase your resistance to injury. Most of these exercises include weight lifting, it is always important to do warm-ups, follow safety precautions and seek professional advice on the types of exercises that best suit you. 2) Consume more calories than you burn: This should be the first and the foremost thing on your to-do list when you are about to start your muscle building activity. Remember, this is the most fundamental law of muscle growth: “If you don't consume enough calories for the day, you will not be able build muscles.” So how many calories should you consume a day? Roughly you must consume calories anywhere from 17 to 20 times of your bodyweight. Adjust your caloric intake according to your personal goals, metabolic rate and activity levels. 3) Eat the right type of calories: While keeping body fat gains in control, your main objective should be to build lean mass, so you should consume the right type of calories from the selected food sources. Ideally you should only be concerned with the 3 main sources of food which are: a) High Quality Protein b) High Fiber or Low Glycemic Carbohydrates c) Healthy Unsaturated Fats These 3 food groups should form the basic bulk of your diet regime and should be spread evenly over 5 to 7 meals a day. 4) Drink plenty of water: Water is important to your general well-being. You must also know that water is extremely critical to your muscle-building efforts. Studies have shown that only a slight 3-4% decrease in your water intake will eventually lead to a 10-20% decrease in muscle contraction. A higher intake of water will improve your overall strength. It will prevent dehydration and the injuries while working out in the gym. By providing a soft cushion between your joints and connective tissues during your high-intensity training regime, water acts as a lubricating agent. If you understand and apply these tips, you will undoubtedly be able to accomplish your muscle-building goal in a short span of time.(read entire article)
View : 378 Times
Category : Health

Fitnesseccentric's Tip For Health & Fitness    Submitted as: There are innumerable health and fitness tips by f
There are innumerable health and fitness tips by following which you can get rid of many disorders and pave your way to a healthy mind and body. These are a few areas that you must focus on to keep in shape. 1. Nutritional Basics: If you ask any personal trainer, they'll tell you that healthy eating is the key to success regardless of your training goals. If possible, eat organic foods and maintain a balanced diet consisting of vegetables and fruits, some complex carbohydrates and proteins. You must eat more green leafy vegetables since they have lots of antioxidants and that can decrease the chances of diseases such as cancer. Also, remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Choose cereals that are low in sugars and high in grains. 2. Make every effort to walk instead of using an assisted means: We all want it easy-going and nobody really wants to exert physical pressure. Use the stairs instead of using an escalator or an elevator for ascending a height. Any activity that moves your limb is a tool for keeping-fit. Fitness is not attained when you sit on the sophisticated machines of the gym. A little here and there just on your own can help immensely. 3. Seek for professional help: You might have to take a small step further by enrolling in a gym depending on your health and fitness needs. To fine-tune your exercise program, you can also opt for a personal trainer. The gym and your trainer should also evaluate your fitness plan from time to time. 4. Discipline: It is the key to sticking to your fitness goals. Whatever technique you have adopted to stay healthy and fit, ensure that your plan/schedule is followed with every bit of caution and discipline. 5. Drink 2 litres of water every day: The cells in your body are predominantly made up of water and they require staying hydrated for better functioning. One of health and fitness tips that you will not read anywhere is: Drink before you feel thirsty because when your body feels thirsty it is already dehydrated. Also, having tea, coffee or softdrinks like soda etc do not count towards your 8 glasses. 6. Have regular checkups done: Keep up to date with your dental, eyes, ears, cholesterol and other health checkups. And make it a priority because health problems caught early can be dealt with. 7. Sleep & Relaxation: are essential for your body's rejuvenation. Develop a habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time. Routine makes sleeping easier. Other easy ways to relax are: Yoga, meditation, reading books, listening to music etc.(read entire article)
View : 428 Times
Category : Health

Things To Keep In Mind While Recovering From Tonsillectomy    Submitted as: When your tonsils get sore and infected, it become
When your tonsils get sore and infected, it becomes difficult to eat or breathe at night. The doctor may suggest you to have an operation called tonsillectomy to remove the tonsils. This surgery involves using a conventional scalpel for removing the tonsils. There are other alternatives to this traditional method also. These days, medical practitioners are increasingly using techniques such as lasers, ultrasonic energy, radio waves, or even electro cautery to cut, burn, or evaporate away the enlarged tonsils. The night before surgery, you're not allowed to eat or drink anything after dinner, not even water. This is because your surgeon doesn't want you to throw up during the operation. It would be a mess. The surgery lasts for only about 20 minutes and is performed under anaesthesia. You might be wondering what happens after a tonsillectomy? How to recover from a tonsil surgery? Here are some points to keep in mind for the post-operative care: • A sore throat normally persists for two weeks following the surgery. There is a significant pain following the procedure and it may necessitate a hospital stay. • Recovery can take from 7-10 days. During recovery proper hydration is very important since dehydration can increase throat pain. • At some point, usually after 7–11 days of surgery bleeding may occur when the scabs begin sloughing off from the surgical area. The overall risk of bleeding is only 1% or 2%. • Pain relief can be provided by relatively mild narcotic analgesics. • Tonsillectomy is quite more painful in adults than children, although there are always individual variations in response. • Children who have had a tonsillectomy should be kept off school for two weeks. This is done to reduce their risk of getting infected from another child that will make them feel more uncomfortable. • Swallowing is rather difficult after having a tonsillectomy. But you must eat solid foods since they help your throat to heal quickly. You must also drink plenty of fluids however; avoid acidic drinks like orange juice as it will sting. • Ensure a good oral hygiene post surgery. You must regularly brush your teeth and use mouthwash to prevent infection in the mouth. • Earache is common with tonsillectomies so it isn't a major cause for concern. • You need to take it easy for a few days after surgery. You can do light activities at home. • While you're recovering, the doctor prescribes medication so that you don't hurt and can eat and drink with ease. They might also suggest antibiotics to prevent infection. • You may see little white patches at the back of your throat. This is normal and there's nothing to panic. After the first week, these patches will begin to fall off. You should return to see your doctor for a checkup.(read entire article)
View : 451 Times
Category : Health

Weight Loss Pills That Are Safe To Use!    Submitted as: Losing weight is rather a long term commitment. Ev
Losing weight is rather a long term commitment. Everyone does not possess the patience and self-discipline that is required to stick with a weight loss schedule and not everyone can wait to see the end results. People are often found using short-cut methods to get rid of the excess weight around the tummy that embarrasses them. Some over-the-counter pills can cut-short the entire process of gymming and dieting thereby making weight loss easier and quicker. Once you start using weight loss pills, it becomes easy to fit into a new lifestyle that leads you towards the perfect body figure that you've always dreamt of! Now you might be wondering how these weight loss pills actually work? Their working can be described by four different activities that they do. 1) A simple theory behind the working of these pills is that they consist of a stimulant which helps suppressing or cutting down your appetite and thereby making you eat less. 2) Some tablets also work on increasing your feeling of fullness after having a meal. 3) Amongst the latest weight loss pills that are available in the market, the widely sold ones are those that inhibit fat- absorption. 4) A few diet pills aim to give you a decent amount of extra energy and also help in increasing your metabolism by burning more calories than your body normally would without these pills. These medications is that they are clinically proven to accelerate weight loss, however, they are only prescribed by doctors for those obese people whose weight is causing serious health concerns like heart disorders or high blood pressure. The treatment of obesity also involves regular counselling, workouts and exercises, dietary changes and behavioural modifications apart for weight loss pills. Obesity drugs are generally safe to use when they are taken in the correct dosage and under medical or expert supervision. If you're buying these pills online, make sure to research the company and read the ingredients. You must also watch out for withdrawal symptoms. Monitor your progress with these pills and if you notice any side effects immediately report to your doctor. You should take these weight loss pills only for a maximum of 6-8 weeks. They should not be used for long term or else you may encounter some side effects. You can also use the products that are natural and made from plant extracts. They have no side effects and in case if they produce itchiness or rashness, it will not be long-lasting.(read entire article)
View : 391 Times
Category : General

Yeast Infection In Babies: Natural Cures!    Submitted as: If you’ve just become a parent, and are battling w
If you've just become a parent, and are battling with yeast infection in your baby, here's good news! You can cure a diaper rash within days. Also, if you take good care, you can say goodbye to yeast infection forever. If you follow these home remedies, it can protect your baby's tender bottom from future bouts. Let's get started with some basic tips for treating baby yeast infection: 1) Get rid of the diaper: The diaper holds the urine and/or feces against the baby's sensitive skin thereby creating a moist and warm environment that provides the perfect breeding ground for yeast, bacteria and fungus. To treat or prevent a diaper rash, you must let your baby go bare-bottomed whenever it is possible. 2) Change the diaper often: If going diaper-free isn't a feasible option, make sure the baby is always clean and dry. Checking the baby's diaper often and changing it as soon as it is soiled can prevent the rashes. 3) Avoid commercially available baby wipes: Many brands of baby wipes contain alcohol and other harmful chemicals that can irritate the skin of your child and strip it of the natural protective oils that keep it soft. Water with a mild soap and a soft washcloth are usually the best tools for cleaning a baby's bottom. You may also want to skip using the soap if rashes are already present, since it may cause stinging. 4) Dry that bottom: After removing a soiled diaper and cleaning your baby's bottom, you must make sure to thoroughly pat the area dry with a soft towel. Remember do not rub! Leave the area exposed to air for a few minutes to ensure a completely dry bottom before putting on a new diaper. 5) Put on a barrier: Many pediatricians would recommend applying a thin layer of diaper-rash ointment containing zinc oxide as it forms a barrier that can protect the diaper area from irritating effects of urine and feces. 6) Only use baby-friendly skin products: You must choose shampoos, soaps, ointments and creams which are specifically designed for use on baby's tender skin. Never use products meant for adults as they often contain strong detergents, dyes, fragrances and other chemicals that can irritate the skin. You must never use a cream that contains phenol, camphor, boric acid, methyl salicylate or benzoin tincture on your baby unless specifically prescribed by the child specialist. Wash your infant's clothes, nappies/diapers, towels, sleepwear, bedding etc and wash them separately from those of other household members by using a special laundry soap designed for this purpose. The tips are sure to keep baby's bottom free from irritation.(read entire article)
View : 302 Times
Category : Health

Connect Your Ipad With A Bigger Screen Using An Hdmi Adapter    Submitted as: The iPad is a great device for lying in bed and wa
The iPad is a great device for lying in bed and watching a video on YouTube or surfing the web. However, some people want to watch the movies or TV shows in their full glory on the big screen be it the projector or an HDTV. There's nothing to worry since it can be very simple to get an iPad connected to a TV. Possibly one of the easiest methods for connecting the iPad to large displays is by using HDMI cables or adapters. It is also a very quick way to mirror your iPad's display on the TV screen. Display Mirroring is a cool new feature of this gadget that allows you to duplicate your iPad screen on any other display. This means you can play games, watch photos or videos, check out your Facebook or browse the web on your HDTV in up to 720p to 1080p. There are several steps that one must follow when trying to set up an iPad to their TV. These methods will also work perfectly well with the iPad Mini. You will need the following equipment: • A High-Definition Multimedia Interface: HDMI Cable for iPad • A television or any other display for that matter that is equipped with an HDMI port • A Digital Audiovisual adapter • Of course, an iPad Important Steps 1) You can start by plugging the adapter in to your iPad. You should also remember to place your iPad in a comfortable position just to make sure that it does not slip incase the cables being attached are tugged. 2) Then, an iPad user should plug their HDMI cable connection into the smallest slot. To make sure that you have inserted the cable correctly, check if the HDMI's narrower end is facing down. You can then connect the USB-to-dock cable to the other adapter slot found on the end of the dock. After that, you should connect the power adapter to the USB slot. 3) Insert the HDMI cable's other end into the open HDMI port on any of these: be it your television, projector, laptop etc device that supports HDMI. 4) You should make sure that you have your Apple TV and iPad connected and switched on to the same wireless network. 5) Double tap your iPad's home button. This will give you access to the page where you can set up your iPad in order to watch shows on a larger display.(read entire article)
View : 502 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Essential Items To Include In Professional Makeup Artist Kit    Submitted as: It can be a bit overwhelming to choose the right s
It can be a bit overwhelming to choose the right set of products for a professional make-up kit when there are millions of products out there in the market and you don't from where to begin. This article assists you in selecting the true essentials required for a flawless face. Makeup Tools such as sponges, brushes, mixing palettes, eyelash curlers, spatulas, tweezers, cotton wool, tissues and applicators are essential to the Makeup Artist and investment in this area is their key to success. You must spend a bit of money on good quality brushes since they are essential if you want to do a quality makeover on a client! It gives a complete idea about the tools and products required for a gorgeous looking face. You must also make sure to monitor your supplies and check your kits after every assignment and as soon as you see something is running low, you should replace it immediately. There's nothing worse than running out of an essential item on the job itself. Hence, spending time after each assignment to restock your kit is much more advantageous. New jobs could come up sometimes at the last minute. You should always be ready and prepared for them! These are the indispensible items of your professional make-up palettes: For the face: 1) Foundation which is used as the base to the makeup. It evens the skin tone by giving it a glowing appearance. It is available in powder, mousse, liquid or crème form. 2) Blush/bronzer which defines the cheekbones by giving a healthy glow to the cheeks. The face gets a radiant appearance. 3) Concealer which hides the dark circles. 4) Loose powder in light to dark shades which makes the skin look fairer. For the eyes: 5) Mascara which defines the eyelashes by thickening and elongating them. 6) Eye Shadow which is used to highlight and define the eyes. It is available in glossy or a matt finish. 7) Eye liner which gives popping eyes, making them look more awake. It is available in both pencil and liquid forms. For the lips: 8) Lipstick/lip-gloss which gives colour and texture to your lips. They leave a glossier and shinier look on the lips. For the nails: 9) Nail polish which makes the nails look pretty. Other tools: 10) Brushes which are used for the application of the various products. These items are all worth investing. And if you have just put together all of these, congratulations! Your complete new makeup kit is ready! You can now start your projects and have an efficient, organized and less stressful makeup routine. You should compare prices between leading beauty product brands available in retail outlets and online stores to find the best deal.(read entire article)
View : 435 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Attachable Keyboards Options For Ipad, Go Get It!    Submitted as: Undoubtedly, iPad 2 is a great tablet that solves
Undoubtedly, iPad 2 is a great tablet that solves a variety of purposes, but not everyone would consider it a solid productivity tool. The hard fact is: you cannot get some real work done without using a few add-ons with the iPad. You cannot ignore the fact that the touch-screen keyboard of iPad is a fantastic feature but most of the users whose job is to type extensively cannot keep up with the speed of typing provided by the touch screen keypad. The default virtual keyboard makes word processing a bit tedious for writers. You simply cannot pen down lengthy and elaborate emails, or any content for that matter with its inadequate keyboard! Since the keys are all flat, you cannot be sure that key is actually hit, especially when you're typing at a speed. Hence you would be left frustrated with content full of spelling errors. With the increasing popularity of the iPad, there has been a tremendous rise in the number of brands that produce compatible accessories for this device. Attachable/Detachable keyboards are available to make the task of typing words much easier. The biggest problem with buying an attachable keyboard for iPad is that there many options available in the market that you simply cannot figure out which functions or features will actually benefit you. Some brands claim that the soft rubber keys enhance its effectiveness for portability and give a great typing experience, while others assert that hard material keys provide more accurate typing. Must-have features: • You must look for a keyboard that is perfect for taking along to the office and which also looks professional and formal. • It must have a full set of keys, just like the keyboard of a laptop or a PC. • It should also contain a few additional shortcut keys that can speed-up your general iPad use. For e.g., if you're watching a movie, you must be able to quickly and efficiently control your sound and track. • It should have a Bluetooth connection that renders mobility and it should also allow easy accessibility to all sockets and the buttons around the edge of the iPad. It must allow access for both the cameras as well. The iPad supports almost all Bluetooth keyboards, but there are many keyboards available in the market specifically designed for use with the iPad. They are particularly designed for portability and they usually include some special iOS function keys like adjusting the volume and screen brightness, opening iOS's Spotlight-search screen, controlling media playback, going to the home screen etc. Some keyboards even offer dedicated cut-copy-paste buttons. Most of the iPad keyboards are integrated into a protective casing, however there are some stand-alone models too.(read entire article)
View : 482 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Foods To Be Included In Your Natural Detox Diet   By: davis walker
A good natural detox diet does not mean dieting by limiting calories. It is definitely not a starvation diet. It is a wholesome diet that is based on both raw and lightly cooked foods that nourish the body, encourage detoxification and ultimately give you a radiant looking skin.(read entire article)
View : 431 Times
Category : Health

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