Here's the recent articles submitted by delta mcfarland
Articles By delta mcfarland
Is Jordan Belfort Really A "wolf"?
By: delta mcfarland
The tales of what's wrong with Wall Street, and how to fix it, is incomplete without mentioning Jordan Belfort, a motivational speaker who lived a flashy lifestyle in the early 1990s and was convicted of fraud as the world welcomed the second millennium.(read
entire article)
View : 265 Times
Category : Entertainment
Discover: Jordan Belfort The Motivational Speaker
By: delta mcfarland
Jordan Belfort, habitually called the Wall Street Wolf, from his previous books, lifestyle, business and now film, was born to accountant parents Max and Lear Belfort in 1962. He's renowned for owning the most notorious brokerage firm on Wall Street during the nineties, Stratton Oakmont but in fact, he was on Long Island, not Wall Street. His sales tactics, and ambition to get rich and famous, saw him found Stratton Oakmont, a brokerage firm that sold gullible investors unworthy stocks and left them out in the cold when the stocks came crashing. This business made him serve 22 months jail term and indemnification payments to the people he defrauded. When running Stratton Oakmont, Jordan made in excess of $1 billion dollars via a number of loyal workers he had hired to carry out penny stock sales to prospective investors. Both he and his staff became wealthy quickly, and enjoyed the trappings of their success; taking drugs and partying non stop.(read
entire article)
View : 263 Times
Category : Entertainment