Here's the recent articles submitted by srishti janpratinidhi
Articles By srishti janpratinidhi
The International Day Of Non-violence
Submitted as: Srishti
The 2nd of October every year is celebrated globally as The International Day of Non-Violence since it is the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the great Indian leader and freedom fighter who shunned all non violent means of struggle and advocated use of peace and non -violence.This day is observed in India as Gandhi Jayanti. The principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, the year of Gandhi's death, owe much to his beliefs.(read
entire article)
View : 676 Times
Category : Politics
World Smile Day
Submitted as: Srishti
All people smile in the same language. A smile can touch all hearts easily. Everyone, everywhere in the world understands the meaning of a smile. A smile is indeed a curved line that can straighten the world. An environment of gloom can be uplifted by a bright smile. A sad heart suddenly feels lighter with a smile.(read
entire article)
View : 666 Times
Category : Politics