Here's the recent articles submitted by oleg tchetchel
Articles By oleg tchetchel
Heavy Duty Fan Blower
By: oleg tchetchel
Radial blade fan designs have high pressure characteristics and are the least efficient of all centrifugal type wheels. Northen Fan radial fan blades are perpendicular to the direction of the wheel's rotation, like a paddle wheel. They are used primarily for simple industrial applications, Material-handling and other standard industrial uses. The wheel is typically heavy duty construction and simple to repair in the field.(read
entire article)
View : 375 Times
Category : General
High Temperature Ventilators Fans
By: oleg tchetchel
Inline fans inherently have drive components in the airstream. In such cases, the unit can sometimes be designed so that cooler outside air is drawn over the drive components, providing some additional cooling. Incorporating this type of external cooling is one of the main reasons Northern Fan medium pressure tube axial inline fan (TBI) can be used for high temperature exhaust applications.(read
entire article)
View : 421 Times
Category : Others
High Temperature Exhaust Ventilator
By: oleg tchetchel
Exhaust fans can be grouped into two general categories: emergency smoke evacuation and process ventilation. Generally speaking, emergency smoke evacuation fans may never be used, but they must be installed and be capable of exhausting high temperature air and smoke in the event of a fire. In contrast, high temperature process ventilation requires continuous duty exhaust of high temperature air, fumes or particulate. Both application types are uniquely different requiring special construction and system design considerations. In this article, we will examine both types of exhaust applications, looking first at the emergency smoke exhaust category. Since emergency smoke exhaust deals with lifesafety issues, there are governing bodies in place that identify and regulate specific design and performance standards. The administration and organization of the various governing bodies is subject to modification based on the needs of the industry. Currently, four such agencies are Industrial Risk Insurers (IRI), Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc (SBCCI), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). IRI insures properties all over the world based on an informational manual, which details the construction requirements that belt drive emergency heat and smoke exhausters must meet in order to be covered by IRI.(read
entire article)
View : 342 Times
Category : Business
Industrial Air Fume Scrubber
By: oleg tchetchel
Air scrubbers are applied where removal of fine particulate from corrosive, hazardous or volatile gas streams is required. Venturi scrubbers wash dust and particles out of the air by forcing the air into a spray chamber, where fine water particles cause the dust to drop from the air stream. Where applied, venturi scrubber technology is able to achieve the highest particulate collection efficiency of any wet scrubbing system.(read
entire article)
View : 375 Times
Category : General
High Temperature Exhaust Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
Generally speaking, emergency smoke evacuation fans may never be used, but they must be installed and be capable of exhausting high temperature air and smoke in the event of a fire. In contrast, high temperature process ventilation requires continuous duty exhaust of high temperature air, fumes or particulate. Both application types are uniquely different requiring special construction and system design considerations. In this article, we will examine both types of exhaust applications, looking first at the emergency smoke exhaust category. Since emergency smoke exhaust deals with lifesafety issues, there are governing bodies in place that identify and regulate specific design and performance standards. The administration and organization of the various governing bodies is subject to modification based on the needs of the industry. Currently, four such agencies are Industrial Risk Insurers (IRI), Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc (SBCCI), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). IRI insures properties all over the world based on an informational manual, which details the construction requirements that belt drive emergency heat and smoke exhausters must meet in order to be covered by IRI.(read
entire article)
View : 422 Times
Category : General
Frp Ventilator Blower Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
An example is the dry acid vapor scavenged from a process using acid. As a generalization, fumes are not as corrosive as aerosols. Aerosols are suspensions of liquids or solids in a gas stream. For the purpose of this discussion, aerosols are considered as quite dilutebeing wet. Water as fog is an example of an aerosol. Another example is the mist of acid present in air scavenged from a process where acid is being used as a spray wash. As a generalization for the purpose of estimating corrosiveness, aerosols in fan driven systems can be considered as being dilute concentrations of the chemicals composing the aerosols. An example of the distinction between fumes and aerosols is a system where sulfuric acid fumes are collected by hoods and scrubbed. The dry fumes entering the scrubber could be quite concentrated but have a relatively mild corrosive effect on the hood and duct material. On the other hand, the wet gas down streamfrom the scrubber could be quite dilute but more corrosive because of the scrubber's converting the fumes to an aerosol.(read
entire article)
View : 406 Times
Category : General
Chemical Fans
By: oleg tchetchel
Northern Fans meet the challenge of moving gases continually, reliably, efficiently and safely. They are built to API, or equivalent industry standards and their performance has been proven over many years of operation; and the blowers can meet unusual requirements that include dual drive systems with automatic drive engagement / disengagement and special materials of construction.(read
entire article)
View : 367 Times
Category : General
Energy Recovery Ventilators Fans
By: oleg tchetchel
Combining exhaust air and outdoor air aventilation functions into a single unit help drive an important practice in good HVAC design-building ventilation balance. In layman's terms: What goes in must come out. Traditionally, the outdoor air needs and the exhaust air needs were calculated in separate thought processes. The designer would specify the minimum outdoor air and exhaust air volumes required by code, but would stop short of comparing the totals to check the ventilation balance.(read
entire article)
View : 333 Times
Category : Business
Industrial Fiberglass Blower
By: oleg tchetchel
A comparison of the corrosion resistance and economics of fans made of various materials leads to these generalizations. Coated steel fans vary greatly in the degree of corrosion protection provided and cost. Costs for coated fans run from about one-third that of FRP fans for the least chemicl resistant coated steel fans to about half the cost for the baked phenoliccoated fans. Coated fans, regardless of the inherent corrosion resistance of the coating, have the potential of coating failure and resultant rapid deterioration of the base metal. Failures occur when coatings are physically damaged, and when corrosive attack permeates the coating to attack the metal. Stainless steel is susceptible to attack by chlorides and resultant physical failure by stress cracking. Residential hot water heaters are never made of stainless steel because the combination of small amounts of chlorine in the water, modest temperatures, and the stresses caused by changes in water pressure results in rapid failure of the stainless steel. Stainless steel is also much more susceptible to corrosive attack by most acids than is FRP.(read
entire article)
View : 367 Times
Category : Others
Blowers Performance Curve
By: oleg tchetchel
While multi-rating tables are convenient, fan performance curves offer additional information such as - how much reserve pressure head exists between the design pressure and the peak static pressure, the maximum power the fan might draw, and the efficiency of operation.(read
entire article)
View : 437 Times
Category : Others