Here's the recent articles submitted by shiv sadhawani
Articles By shiv sadhawani
Which Hyundai Dealer Is Best For Me
By: shiv sadhawani
The question of when to buy a car is simple – when you need one. There is no better determinant then your own personal needs.(read
entire article)
View : 531 Times
Category : Automobiles
Where To Find Top Accessories For Hummers
By: shiv sadhawani
Most people find HUMMERs really eye catching, but your vehicle will be even more attention-grabbing if you opt for additional accessories.(read
entire article)
View : 449 Times
Category : Automobiles
How To Get Your Vehicle's Headlight Restored
Submitted as: Parul Shah
If you are among those Americans who own a car which is at least 11 years old, then it is probable that the headlight of your car should be restored. Clean headlights of a car not only enhances the appearance but, they also offer an unobstructed as well as safe travel by making the vision of the road clear.(read
entire article)
View : 336 Times
Category : Automobiles
How To Get Your Car Started In A Subzero Weather
Submitted as: Parul Shah
If you are unable to start your car in a subzero temperature which has gripped most parts of the country, this is the good time to get your car started in this rigid weather.(read
entire article)
View : 374 Times
Category : Automobiles
Getting Your Car Prepared For Selling
Submitted as: Parul Shah
Putting your best foot forward is always considered to be a good thing. Similar is the situation for getting your car prepared for sale. Your aim is to make your car look as attractive as possible to its prospective buyer's along with remaining forthright with its history and condition. In order to get things cleared out, performing basic cleaning services and replacing fuses and bulbs will help eventually.(read
entire article)
View : 364 Times
Category : Automobiles
Diy: Changing Your Car's Battery
Submitted as: Parul Shah
For proper operation of your car, having a good battery is essential. If proper care and maintenance is given to the battery, it can last for up to 5 years.(read
entire article)
View : 559 Times
Category : Automobiles
Getting Your Air Filter Changed
Submitted as: Parul Shah
The performance of a car is effected on various levels if it's operating with clogged air filters. It tends to reduce the power of your car which is the utmost requirement when you are on the go. Probably, the most affected area of clogged air filter is that on the gas mileage.(read
entire article)
View : 423 Times
Category : Automobiles
Recharging Your Air Conditioner With Freon
Submitted as: Parul Shah
Prior to recharging the air conditioning system of your car, ensure that it has the latest R134 refrigerant and not R12 refrigerant. Check the car owner's manual or the repair manual. In case you do have a repair manual then you will have to do it yourself.(read
entire article)
View : 356 Times
Category : Automobiles
Tips For Getting The Best Deals On A New Car
Submitted as: Parul Shah
Besides buying a home, buying a new car is the second most expensive investment that most people make in their lives. If you are planning to buy a new car then following the below mentioned tips given by Jerry Robbins, an advocate, who will also negotiate with a dealer for a fee and you can save a considerable amount of money.(read
entire article)
View : 369 Times
Category : Automobiles
Safety Tips For Child Car Seat
Submitted as: Parul Shah
Parents tend to not only make their kids safe when travelling in a car but, also attempts in abiding the law however, they still face difficulties in figuring out the best way of protecting their kids. A fact is that three out of four children are not secured properly or restrained at all in car safety seats.(read
entire article)
View : 330 Times
Category : Automobiles