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Articles By seth walker

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Introducing The New 2014 Toyota Tundra Truck   By: seth walker
The 2014 Toyota Tundra is a magnificently built truck that will make a great purchase for anyone. Starting at only $25,920, this full sized pick-up offers many upgrades to the everyday truck driver.(read entire article)
View : 292 Times
Category : Automobiles

Toyota Hydrogen Fuel Cell Withstands Winter Temperatures   By: seth walker
One detail that has changed since the lithium-ion battery days is the method in which power is produced. Hydrogen is a gaseous fuel instead of a solid battery, and when put up against the efficiency of the lithium-ion battery it shows a great improvement.(read entire article)
View : 275 Times
Category : Automobiles

Toyota Develops "diamond-like" Semiconductor To Improve Hybrid Mileage   By: seth walker
One of the many reasons consumers purchase Toyota hybrids is for their enhanced mileage. And now the company has raised the bar by developing a power semiconductor made of one of the hardest substances on Earth after the diamond, carbide. The semiconductor is in the form of a wafer, and Toyota believes it will increase the fuel efficiency of their hybrid models by as much as 10%.(read entire article)
View : 349 Times
Category : Automobiles

Facts And Features Of The 2015 Toyota Prius Persona Special Edition   By: seth walker
The first Prius on the market was back in 1997; however it did not come to the United States until 2000 where it was a huge hit with drivers and consumers. Gas prices are always considered to be too high to the American people, especially since 2009 when gas prices skyrocketed. However, Toyota made a car that works around the fluctuation of gas prices, and gives you some stability in regards to your check book.(read entire article)
View : 396 Times
Category : Automobiles

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