Here's the recent articles submitted by james walsh
Articles By james walsh
Changing Views Of Child Custody: Fathers As Primary Caretakers?
By: james walsh
Child custody is both a critical and contentious issue. It has the potential of turning an amicable divorce into a bitter one. Family courts in the UK are known for favouring the mother. The courts usually grant the mother sole custody.(read
entire article)
View : 374 Times
Category : Parenting/Kids
Has The Divorce Revolution Failed?
By: james walsh
Marriage was established as an institution to safeguard moral values and legalize the birth of children. Just the way, all cultures support marriage, they are equally unified in condemning divorce.(read
entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Legal
Divorce And Environmental Disaster
By: james walsh
Well before Sir Isaac Newton’s time, men of science like Galileo and Kepler had already been studying the heavenly bodies beyond our earthly skies. The power of the Earth to attract objects near its surface, the laws of planetary motion etc. were also known to the common man.(read
entire article)
View : 284 Times
Category : Environment
Has The Divorce Revolution Failed To Deliver?
By: james walsh
People trapped in unhappy marriages should be shown the path to happiness by making it possible for them to divorce easily. This was the intention of the pioneers of the ‘Divorce Reform Act’ of 1969. They thus made the irretrievable breakdown of marriage as the sole ground for divorce. This liberalisation of the divorce law became a boon for all the oppressed and unhappily married people.(read
entire article)
View : 286 Times
Category : Legal
Logical Failure Of Hard Drives
By: james walsh
A hard drive primarily suffers from two causes of data loss and failures. It can either be physical in nature or logical. Logical Hard Drive failure is usually described as a software problem.(read
entire article)
View : 310 Times
Category : Computers
The Importance Of Forgiveness In Divorce
By: james walsh
Hinduism marks certain emotions as sinful. One of them is extreme anger, for it destroys reason and the essence of being human lies in our ability to think reasonably. Holding on to anger is a self-destructive thing to do, and does us no good physically either.(read
entire article)
View : 289 Times
Category : Legal
Process Of Data Evaluation In Data Recovery
By: james walsh
With an increasing number of companies and businesses relying on computers for storing their reports, files, and information sheets, protecting computer systems is no longer enough to ensure better success.(read
entire article)
View : 320 Times
Category : Legal
Recovering From The Wounds Of Infidelity
By: james walsh
It is a brave new world that is liberally accommodating newly emerging social institutions like cohabitation, free love, etc., that do not subscribe to traditional definitions of marriage and family.(read
entire article)
View : 366 Times
Category : Legal
Life After Divorce
By: james walsh
The only constant in life is change. However, sometimes change can happen so drastically and under difficult circumstances that it becomes difficult to cope. Divorce is one of those painful circumstances that forces change and can be a traumatic experience.(read
entire article)
View : 274 Times
Category : Legal
The Five Most Common Causes Of Divorce In Families
By: james walsh
Would I be right in guestimating that the advent of the television sets has led to an increase in divorce rates? Let me be more precise. The little time couples spend at home is devoted to their televisions, impacting conversational levels in the process. These silent spouses have further reduced their conversation after the appearance of gadgets (which vie for human attention and interest) like the cell phone.(read
entire article)
View : 294 Times
Category : Legal