Here's the recent articles submitted by albert mitchell
Articles By albert mitchell
Most Influential Informatics Professors Julie Jacko:: Julie Jacko Winner Of Many Honors
By: albert mitchell
Dr. Julie Jacko is a Professor of Public Health at the University of Minnesota, and a Faculty Fellow in the Academic Health Center's Institute for Health Informatics. Julie Jacko is the Principal Investigator and Director of the University Partnership for Health Informatics (UP-HI). This $5.1 million grant from the office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology represents the first public-private partnership funded in the State of Minnesota to infuse nation's workforce with individuals like Julie Jacko who have been trained to perform in one of six mission critical health information technology roles.
Julie Jacko is author or co-author of over 100 research publications including journal articles, books, book chapters and conference proceedings. Julie Jacko is Editor of the recent Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies, and Emerging Applications," published by Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates in 2003. Julie Jacko is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction and the journal titled Universal Access in the Information Society. In 2001 Julie Jacko served as Conference and Technical Program Co-Chair for the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2001). Julie Jacko also served as Program Chair for the Fifth ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies (ASSETS 2002).
Julie Jacko served General Conference Chair of the Sixth ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies (ASSETS 2004), held in Atlanta on October 18-20, 2004. Recently elected to the Executive Committee of SIGCHI, Julie Jacko is serving a three-year term in the position of Vice President for Membership and Communications.
Dr. Julie Jacko has an exemplary research track record spanning a period of 17 years in which over 160 scientific publications have been generated in these research areas. Julie Jacko has generated nearly $15 million in research funding in the last 10 years. Julie Jacko was one of the only 20 recipients of a National Science Foundation Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor awarded young investigators by the United States government. Julie Jacko served as co-author on the No. 1 rated published article for 2005 in the International Journal of Medical Informatics.(read
entire article)
View : 328 Times
Category : Education
Julie Jacko On Healthcare Facilities:: Julie Jacko An Expert Teacher
By: albert mitchell
Julie Jacko is a Faculty Fellow at The Institute for Health Informatics and has a PhD in Industrial Systems & Designs from the University of Purdue. Dr. Julie Jacko is particularly interested in Health Informatics as it is a boon for the future of patient care. Julie Jacko believes that through secure use and sharing of patient's health information it will help healthcare providers manage patient care in a much better way.
Julie Jacko is the Principal Investigator of the University Partnership for Health Informatics (UP-HI). To maintain people's valuable health information for future use, Health Informatics makes use of electronic health records instead of the conventional paper records.
Dr. Julie Jacko is a Professor of Public Health at the University of Minnesota that links with The Institute of Health Informatics for research, teaching and outreach functions. This optimizes opportunities in Health Informatics for coordination, synergy and collaboration. Dr. Julie Jacko's expertise lies in design, implementation and evaluation of interactive systems involving human-device interaction. Julie Jacko is highly interested in the application of engineering and information technology in the field of health sciences. Her 17 years of valuable and exhausting research aims to advance life sciences, public health and patient care.
Dr. Julie Jacko has also co-authored the highest rated article in the International Journal of Medical Informatics in the year 2005. A highly respected figure in the field of human-computer interaction, Julie Jacko has chaired and co-chaired numerous technical conferences and programs in this field.
The National Science Foundation Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and
Engineers has seen only 20 recipients with Dr. Julie Jacko being one of them. Dr. Julie Jacko has focused her research on the development of engineering models of human performance that can aid in the design of real-world systems. Dr. Julie Jacko aims to use her research for the advancement of public health, health professions education, life sciences research and patient care.(read
entire article)
View : 337 Times
Category : Education
Francois Sainfort Research Expert :: Francois Sainfort Phenomenal Thinker
By: albert mitchell
Francois Sainfort received his Engineer Diploma, DEA, and Doctorate from the prestigious Ecole Centrale in Paris, France. Dr. Francois Sainfort, Ph.D. joined ISyE in 2000 as professor and director of the Health Systems Research Centre.
Francois Sainfort was an immense contributor and was one of the authors to publish Journal article “Maximizing your investment in EHR, Utilizing EHRs to inform continuous quality improvement”. Francois Sainfort is a renowned scholar and researcher who has been highly successful in receiving grants and contracts of more than $18 million. The First Handbook on Operations Research and Health Care has refereed publications by Dr. Francois Sainfort, not to mention premier health care journals. Dr. Francois Sainfort also serves as the editorial board member for several leading journals. The expertise of Francois Sainfort is sought after by numerous scientific and organizing committees for profession societies. The medical community has hugely benefitted by the development of mathematical modeling techniques for medical decision made by Dr. Francois Sainfort.
Francois Sainfort has published more than 145 refereed publications that have appeared in health care journals such as Health Services Research, Medical Care, Medical Decision Making, Medical Care Research and Review, Health Care Financing Review, American Journal of Psychiatry, The Gerontologist, Diabetes Care, and Quality of Life Research. Francois Sainfort's research has also appeared in industrial engineering journals such as Operations Research, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Journal of Society for Health Systems, and Industrial Engineering Research.
Francois Sainfort is a current or past editorial board member for several leading journals in the field. Francois Sainfort has served as chair of key scientific conferences and has served on numerous scientific and organizing committees for professional societies. Francois Sainfort routinely serves on national and international panels in the United States, Canada and Europe.(read
entire article)
View : 386 Times
Category : Education
Francois Sainfort Renowned Name In Healthcare Industry
By: albert mitchell
Francois Sainfort is the William W. George Professor of Health Systems in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering and the Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Programs in the College of Engineering at Georgia Tech. Dr. Francois Sainfort earned a Ph.D. in 1987 from Ecole Centrale in Paris, one of the most prestigious engineering schools in France. Francois Sainfort joined Georgia Tech in Fall 2000 as a Professor and Director of the Health Systems Research Center. Prior to Francois Sainfort's arrival at Georgia Tech, Francois Sainfort was a Professor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with joint appointments in the Department of Preventive Medicine and the Department of Biomedical Engineering.
Francois Sainfort is a well known name in Healthcare Industry. Dr. Francois Sainfort is an expert consultant. Francois Sainfort's clients include health care delivery organizations, medical devices companies, clinical laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, and information technology companies. Francois Sainfort has been appreciated with a wide range of honors for his dedication towards his work. With his knowledge and experience acquired over the years, Francois Sainfort has worked on humanitarian grounds with which many people have been benefited.
Dr. Francois Sainfort is the current Director of the Health Systems Research Center. Dr. Francois Sainfort is a current or past editorial board member for several leading journals, and periodically reviews manuscripts for many other journals. Francois Sainfort's research and expertise focus on helping patients and consumers to make better decisions about their own health, especially under conditions of risk and uncertainty.
Francois Sainfort has received research funding from the federal government, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Health Care Financing Administration, the National Institute of Aging, the National Library of Medicine, the Centers for Disease Control, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Defense as well as funding from industry. Francois Sainfort is a phenomenal thinker and has served on numerous conferences scientific committees.(read
entire article)
View : 372 Times
Category : Education
Create A Shady Place In The Outdoor Area: Tropical Lifestyles In Australia
By: albert mitchell
Your spacious backyard can be made more comfortable when you install right accessories like Gazebo. There are wide ranges of Gazebos offered in the market which are available in different styles and shapes. Tropical Lifestyles in Australia brings you an exclusive collection of gazebo which adds an element of comfort to your backyard. Its products are designed to meet the needs of the modern occupants and are ideal for the exterior space. They are available with instruction kits which eases the installation task of the consumers. You may visit the Webstore to explore the collection of gazebo.
You need a place for relaxation in your external part of the residence during the even time. Gazebo is in ideal accessory for your landscape which protects you from the scorching heat of summer. It creates shade under which you can rest or read a captivating novel during holidays. You can also install the gazebo in the parking area and protect your car from the heat. It doesn't require you to put much effort to build a gazebo. You can follow the instruction manual provided with every product and update your foreyard with shelter.
It creates a natural place for gathering with neighbors, friends, relatives and other loved ones. It makes a comfortable seating arrangement at your home patio that allows you to refresh your mind in the pleasant environment. You can spend time with your buddies with a sip of lemonade or cocktail and enjoy nature. You can also opt for autumn cookout in the spacious area outside your home under the gazebo and enjoy the delicious meals under the star gazing skies. The products of Tropical Lifestyles are perfect addition to your garden and are better alternative to the permanent structures. It can be uninstalled easily when you are planning to move to another place.
You can also choose gazebo for creating a scenic photographic setting at your backyard. It provides a beautiful background for your pictures with family or friends. It improvises several aspects of your home. It not only makes your space comfortable but also boosts the value of your property. It benefits you when you are putting your property in the market for sale. It allows you to watch the snowfall with a cup of coffee or cocoa during winters. If you are looking for the gazebo that complements your home then Tropical Lifestyles is the right destination for you. You can choose the right product from that can be accommodated in your exterior space.(read
entire article)
View : 422 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Smart Mobile Applications For Business
By: albert mitchell
Mobile application (known as app in short) is a software application designed to run on tablets or smartphones. Typically these applications are operated by their developer or owners of mobile operating system such as Google Play (Android), App Store (Apple), Windows Phone Store (Nokia) and BlackBerry App World (BlackBerry).
These owners or developers provide applications to their users through application distribution platform and usually they are downloaded to their tablets or smartphones. Some applications are free and for some they charge nominal amount. Mobile applications are very useful and cost effective in tracking and managing the workforce. There are firms that invest a huge amount on research to develop workforce management mobile application. Once these applications are developed, this mobile business intelligence app helps employer to track the activities and employees to report for the activities. This saves time, cost and energy. This kind of field scheduling software is ideal for tracking sales and retail activities in an organization.
Mobile business intelligence app by “Mobile Insight” is a user friendly retail workforce management mobile application that takes you insight of your business and checks where your field team is spending their time. This field scheduling software knows the importance of time management and guides your team where to visit next by the schedule calendar. “Mobile Insight” has inbuilt form building tool that offers flexibility to create custom forms as per the need of the business. This application also provides performance metrics facility to measure the report and ensure about meeting of service levels. You can make adjustments and corrections on daily basis and can plan further strategies to optimize team performance. Geolocation services helps to get reporting by location. This application validates team member's locations at the time of their visit and you can follow your team via mapping technology.
“Mobile Insight” takes you inside your own business. It captures data, report against the data and also analyzes the impact of this report on your business. This application allows customizing and building your own reports. You can create your own dashboards and can track where your business stand with a quick glance. “Mobile Insight” helps to pull sales data and plan team visit. This help to create focus and improve field effectiveness and revenue. Planning is also very important for the development of any business. This Mobile business intelligence app by “Mobile Insight” provides tools to help whenever you are out of office. This ensures coverage of team all the time by creating groups and assigning work or response to them. You can check more details and usefulness of this field scheduling software at
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View : 377 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
The Consumer Insight: Surveys To Gauge Customer Insight Towards Your Product
By: albert mitchell
For successful promotion of your product, it is essential to know about your target audience. After the product has been launched, it is essential to know the responses of the consumers. The Consumer Insight helps businesses through efficient market surveys for your product.(read
entire article)
View : 334 Times
Category : Business
Make Your Backyard More Functional: Tropical Lifestyles In Australia
By: albert mitchell
You can complete the entire setting of your backyard by installing outdoor gazebo of appropriate size and design. It is a dome shaped structure that offers shelter to the dwellers during extreme summer heat. It enhances the aesthetic elements of your outdoor area thereby improving the look of your property. Tropical Lifestyles offers a broad collection of outdoor gazebo that is designed from durable material. They are ideal for the spacious outdoor area and perfectly fit the needs of modern occupants. You can hunt for more ideas and designs of outdoor gazebo by logging on to the website
It is very essential that the gazebo should be chosen according to the size of the yard. Its color should be appropriate that complements your outdoor space. You may opt for decorating the outdoor gazebo by curtain drapes for adding a gracious look to your outdoor area. It is a perfect accessory to your lawn that offers you space for barbeque dinner. You can enjoy nature with your buddies or closed ones with a sip of cocktail under the roof of the gazebo. You can also enjoy meals under the gazebo when friends or relatives are invited at your place for social gathering. Outdoor gazebo adds an element of comfort to the yard and allows you to relax in the natural environment. The gazebos of Tropical Lifestyles are perfect addition to the landscape that is available in plenty of design and color options.
You can enjoy a cup of cocoa or coffee under the gazebo and enjoy snowfall during winters. A well appointed backyard with outdoor gazebo boosts the monetary value of your property. It improves the aesthetic aspects of your property and helps you to crack the best deal. You can invite your closed ones for candle light dinner under the elegantly decorated gazebo. Seating arrangement can be made by installing sofa or chairs under the gazebo to enjoy the nature. It also protects your yard from rain water and is easy to maintain. The water flows from the roof of the gazebo when it is exposed to rain and prevents your cleaning it during monsoon. The cheaper quality gazebo may be blown away as it could not withstand the heavy winds. Outdoor gazebo should therefore be purchased from credible Webstore like
Each product offered by Tropical Lifestyles ensures longevity till several coming years and requires minimal maintenance. You can contact the sales team of Tropical Lifestyles and discuss the need of gazebo that accommodates your yard.(read
entire article)
View : 353 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Debt Collections: Recovery Of Business
By: albert mitchell
An obligation owed by a client or business (Debtor) towards another client or business (Creditor) is termed as Debt. In simple terms, debt are assets granted by the creditor to the debtor. Debt is granted by the creditors with the expectation of repayment of original assets or amount with some interest on time, from the debtors.
Debt is a borrowed assets or money that increases the purchasing power of people or organizations. With debt they can expense on things that they would otherwise not be able to do. Many people or organizations use debt to purchase house, cars, offices, technologies that are too expensive. Organizations also use debt to pay the dividend or other expenses of their business. Sometimes the debt grows beyond the ability to pay by the people or organizations and results into the risk to their private assets and increase their liabilities. Over borrowing lead to bankruptcy and financial ruin.
Debt, when used at moderate level can improve welfare and enhance the growth of creditors, but at high level, debt has many ill-effects on business of creditors. Under this situation, the creditors are at risk and they have to try hard to recover their assets or money as person or organization has a limited liability. If debt is not recovered on time from the debtors, it will block the cash flow of the business of the creditors.
If you are a creditor in Australia and going through this situation, Melbourne debt collectors can help you out. A debt collector is a collection agency that operates as agents of creditors and collect debts on behalf of their clients. It is a business that helps to recover debts owed to a person or organizations by their clients. Melbourne debt collectors provide these services and many more related to debts recovery.
“Nat Collection” is one of Melbourne debt collectors, well known for their services in debts collections. They have a debt recovery team consist of active, energetic and focused members which delivers a high quality service to their clients. “Nat Collection” has assigned a separate dedicated account manager which takes care of the litigations of collections. Their team has expertise knowledge and strong credentials in all aspects of collections throughout Australia. “Nat Collection” works with co-ordination of government bodies and help in recovering commercial debts and account receivable. To know more on “Nat Collection” and their services you can visit
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View : 459 Times
Category : Debt
Upgrade Your Kitchen With Ideal Kitchen Accessories: Coastal Kitchenware
By: albert mitchell
Food processor is equipment which simplifies the cooking task. It allows wide range of applications like chopping, shredding, slicing, grinding, etc quickly and easily and saves the valuable time of the chef. It also offers speedy alternatives for better results each time. It can be used at home to obtain finely chopped ingredients or uniformly cut pieces of vegetables. Such equipments like food processors should be purchased from authorized store like Coastal Kitchenware. It is specialized in kitchenware and offers numerous appliances which complete the kitchen setting. The Coastal Kitchen Supplies aim at providing excellent kitchenware which is ideal for the professional chefs. The company is dedicated to provide high quality products for commercial as well as residential purpose. You can explore the range of Coastal Kitchenware by accessing the website
The Coastal Kitchen Supplies include countless options of cooking appliances which are available with instruction booklet and warranty. The food processor which forms part of the Coastal Kitchen Supplies is bundled with several different attachments and blades. It is beneficial to accomplish slicing, cutting, chopping tasks easier in few seconds and saves your labor and time. You can now think of preparing pickles and sauces at home.
The food processor from Coastal Kitchenware allows you the blending and pureeing of vegetables faster. You can also prepare healthy salads of cucumber, onions, tomatoes and other items without causing any hazard to your fingers. The food processor from Coastal can help you reduce your grocery bills and cut down your preparing time that is consumed after making salsa, dips, spread, mayonnaise, etc. As it also provides shredding attachment that allow you to shred the leafy vegetables like cabbage and make elegantly decorated salads within fraction of time.
Apart from the aforementioned benefits it also enables you to knead dough for making pizza. You just have to fill the ingredients into the container to obtain soft dough that is ready to put into oven. You can also prepare yummy non vegetarian dishes by mincing the meat for making fillings. Other advantages of food processors are that you can also make bread crumbs, nut butters, cookie crumbs, etc. You can make full use of the food processor by referring the instruction manual that is available along with it. If you are looking for enhancing the functionality of the kitchen, then Coastal Kitchenware is the one stop solution. The other important products of Coastal Kitchenware are provided in the listings of the Webstore
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View : 303 Times
Category : Home and Garden