Here's the recent articles submitted by jonh martin
Articles By jonh martin
What Youmo Studio Can Offer To Your Business Efforts
By: jonh martin
You might not be a stranger to the fact that marketing today, is one of the most essential areas that ensure the success of any business endeavor.(read
entire article)
View : 429 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Why Work With A Good Marketing Agency In Malaysia
By: jonh martin
Today, the competition in the market is so intense that a creative marketing campaign is a must, irrespective of how good your products or services are.(read
entire article)
View : 361 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
How To Choose An Effective Advertising Company In Malaysia
By: jonh martin
Marketing and advertising are two functions that no business can survive without. Literally thousands of businesses get started each week and almost the same number of businesses fall, and this makes us wonder what it is, which makes a successful business.(read
entire article)
View : 356 Times
Category : General
Reasons Why Working With An Advertising Firm Can Be A Profitable Venture
By: jonh martin
Advertising efforts, if done correctly, should give your products or services the ability to the grasp the attention of the target market.(read
entire article)
View : 335 Times
Category : Business
Bringing The Advertising Business Into The Twenty-first Century
By: jonh martin
One of the fastest growing markets is in South East Asia, both in terms of population and as an emerging market. What was once a very conservative and traditional society is going through a tremendous change and is catching up, and in some cases, even overhauling their counterparts in the West.(read
entire article)
View : 344 Times
Category : General
Social Media As One Of The Biggest Platforms For Marketing
By: jonh martin
Human interactions have taken a new form with the advent of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. A vast majority of the human population today, spend a huge portion of their day on these sites.(read
entire article)
View : 265 Times
Category : Business
The Need For Smart Marketing In Today's Business Scenario
By: jonh martin
No matter where your business is based, in Malaysia or anywhere else on the globe, you would definitely have a need for advertising and marketing. While the approaches may vary slightly depending on the country, you would still be selling to people, who more or less are the same, all over the world.(read
entire article)
View : 272 Times
Category : Business
Appoint A Strong Advertising Agency In Malaysia To Create Strong Brand Awareness
By: jonh martin
Selling is all about marketing, which leads us to advertising. Without proper advertisement of products, companies will have a difficult time selling things or if they don't do it enough someone else will come and take the cake.(read
entire article)
View : 350 Times
Category : Business
Get Your Pick Of The Lot Using Digital Advertising In Malaysia
By: jonh martin
Today with the rise of the digital revolution every bit of news gets converted to the online medium. There is a whole new avenue of advertising available to manufacturers and suppliers and your agency needs to be media savvy, internet savvy and current trends savvy to understand this revolution and use it to create a rumble among adversaries.(read
entire article)
View : 317 Times
Category : Business
Choosing Innovative Approaches For Advertising In Malaysia
By: jonh martin
You can't really show a customer how good your brand is by drawing pie charts and making him or her view the statistics or graph images of how good your product is compared to others in the market.(read
entire article)
View : 322 Times
Category : Business