Here's the recent articles submitted by harry wilson
Articles By harry wilson
How Often Have We Seen Signs In Department Stores That Display: Save Now - 25% Off!!!
Submitted as: David Wilson
Many people think "Great…I can buy the clothes we need on sale and save!" Problem is most of us ending up putting the clothes on a credit card, which we all of course use frequently. While we feel we are being responsible by getting a good deal we fail to realize that the costs in the long run using credit cards far outweighs any savings we may actually be getting.(read
entire article)
View : 264 Times
Category : Business
Debt Help: Rising Debt Alarm
Submitted as: David Wilson
"A variety of recent studies show that Americans' debt is rising alarmingly. The debt-counseling, nonprofit organization, of Rockville, Md., says its average new client now has 11.3 credit cards, compared to 8.1 last year. The clients' debts rose from an average of $52,210 in 2002 to $77,036 this year."(read
entire article)
View : 283 Times
Category : Debt
Budgets And Motivation... What You Should Know
Submitted as: David Wilson
Budgeting is the first step in debt reduction but motivation must be constant. If you ever wanted to get ahead financially; if you ever thought you wanted to get out from under a sea of debt; if you ever wondered where the money went; you need a budget! But how do you develop a good budget and how do you stick with it. This is what you need to know.(read
entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Debt
America's Debt Diet
Submitted as: David Wilson
America—it is time to get rid of your debt! Financial experts David Bach, Jean Chatzky and Glinda Bridgforth offer their step-by-step action plan to help set you on the path to financial freedom.(read
entire article)
View : 298 Times
Category : Debt
Build Credit - How To Build Credit - Why It Is Important To Build Credit
Submitted as: David Wilson
Getting credit can be one of life’s Catch-22’s: it is hard to get credit if you don’t already have it, and if you already have it then you don’t need it. Young people and those who have never borrowed need to build credit over time so that they can qualify for larger loans when needed(read
entire article)
View : 290 Times
Category : Debt