Here's the recent articles submitted by stephanie larkin
Articles By stephanie larkin
Important Tax Information For Independent Contractors
By: stephanie larkin
Being your own boss is certainly rewarding, but few people think about the extra work of preparing invoices and tax forms. Independent contractors need to be aware that being independent of the client company is a special tax situation(read
entire article)
View : 275 Times
Category : Career
Why Freelance? The Advantages Of W-2 Versus 1099
By: stephanie larkin
The term "freelance" comes from the works of Sir Walter Scott and refers to traveling knights offering their services in battle to noblemen for a fee.(read
entire article)
View : 267 Times
Category : Career
Tips To Keep Your Home Business Organized
By: stephanie larkin
If you have a home business, getting yourself organized should be a priority. Lack of planning and organization reduces productivity, increases stress, and strains working and personal relationships. Precious work time can be lost while searching for things you have misplaced and need.(read
entire article)
View : 232 Times
Category : Home Based Business
Advantages Of W-2 Employment
By: stephanie larkin
There are some reasons an individual would choose self-employment over working for someone else, but not everyone is willing to take on the problems and stress of owning a business. For some, the notion of running every aspect of a company is more than overwhelming. Those who are employed by a company have many advantages over those who are self-employed. Many of these benefits involve salary and taxes.(read
entire article)
View : 230 Times
Category : Career
How An Independent Consultant Can Get Business Insurance
By: stephanie larkin
One challenge with freelancing and independent consultant work that you may not have considered is securing business insurance. Business insurance will protect you and your business against unfortunate mistakes and mishaps. There are a number of different types of insurance coverage that you should carry as an independent consultant or independent contractor, each of them designed to protect you from a different type of happenstance or error.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Insurance
Self-incorporation: Is It Right For Me?
By: stephanie larkin
Many businesses can benefit from incorporation. The main benefit of incorporation for most businesses is that it shields the business owner from lawsuits and protects their assets in the event that the company is the target of a lawsuit. Because the company is established as a separate entity from the partners, the assets of the partners are not affected by a judgment against the company. While the risk of a lawsuit may seem remote, it is actually a major concern for small businesses.(read
entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : Career
When Do You Have To Incorporate And What Is Involved?
By: stephanie larkin
Incorporation is one of any number of ways to structure a business. These include a limited liability company, an S-corporation and a C-corporation. Each structure has benefits and drawbacks, and it is important to decide which type of corporation works best for your situation, or if it makes sense to consider other options like operating without a corporation or working through an umbrella company.(read
entire article)
View : 267 Times
Category : Career
Options To Find Health Insurance For Freelancers
Submitted as: Brain Jenkins
One of the most difficult aspects of being a freelancer is finding health insurance. Those who are newly self-employed may never have purchased their own health insurance before, and some are taken by surprise by the high cost of keeping a family insured.(read
entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Insurance
Independent Consultants-have You Considered An Umbrella Company?
Submitted as: Brian Jenkins
Many independent consultants and independent contractors grow their business completely unaware of how an umbrella company can work for them. Freelancers and other self-employed individuals utilize their own talents to find clients and manage the various details of their business. By expanding their client base through hard work, word of mouth, and networking, steady income is of course attainable.(read
entire article)
View : 213 Times
Category : Career
Contractor Reclassification Risk- Are You Misclassifying Your Workers?
By: stephanie larkin
The process of misclassifying workers, or treating workers as independent contractors when they should be considered employees, is a serious problem. The situation is a particular problem in the IT field and other "white collar" professions. Contractor compliance is coming under increased scrutiny from the IRS as well as many states. Companies are eager to hire workers as independent contractors because doing so saves the company a great deal of money.(read
entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Career