Here's the recent articles submitted by rahul sinha
Articles By rahul sinha
How To Recruit The Best Talent
By: rahul sinha
Recruiters and HR Professionals have to ensure that they find the best quality workforce for a job opening. Even expert recruiters have to be on their toes when it comes to analyzing the fitment of a candidate for a job role, in terms of not just qualifications & experience but also attitude.(read
entire article)
View : 422 Times
Category : Career
Role And Responsibility Of Talent Acquisition Head
By: rahul sinha
Job of a Talent Acquisition Head is becoming more and more challenging as we witness stringent corporate competition, fast changing employee demographics, intense talent shortages and globalization.(read
entire article)
View : 395 Times
Category : Service
Job Of A Senior Manager Production
By: rahul sinha
The role of a Senior Production Manager is to supervise the workers in a factory or the manufacturing plant to make certain that there is efficiency in all the departments. He or she settles on the quantity of sure items to be produced, inspect the excellence of workmanship on the completed goods, and makes timetable for regular safeguarding on machinery.(read
entire article)
View : 416 Times
Category : Service
Why Do Professionals Require Executive Coaching?
By: rahul sinha
Executive coaching in the professional surroundings can be of enormous help. An executive coach can always add an extra to your capabilities and will work with you to perk up your performance. Today professionals are expected to take on enormous responsibilities and bear with the stress to achieve results.(read
entire article)
View : 370 Times
Category : Career
Three Common Resume Errors
By: rahul sinha
First impressions are usually the last impression. People make an instant judgement about who you are within seconds. They treat your resume the same way. While you could have worked hard to get it noticed, what could there be the basis that recruitment consultants overlook your resume – or worse, throw it in a bin?(read
entire article)
View : 318 Times
Category : General
Job Of A Senior Business Analyst
By: rahul sinha
In the current era of computer technology, integrated and fast communications has brought about a revolution in the way businesses are being handled. The risk involved in order to sustain in this volatile economy, fluctuating rates of currency, is increasing with every passing day.(read
entire article)
View : 366 Times
Category : Career
Psychometric Assessments – Evaluating Dormant Traits
By: rahul sinha
So you wish to take up the big job opportunity coming your way, but don't know anything about the psychometric assessment that is a part of your job interview? Well, in that case, you should get all the possible knowledge about psychometric assessment tests that are all the rage in the recruitment industry at present.(read
entire article)
View : 351 Times
Category : Career
Trending Career Option: Software Developer
By: rahul sinha
The world has turned digital. And that's great for those who think digital, all the time! Yes, we are referring to the Software Developers of today. According to the latest studies, one of the best jobs around the world is that of Software Developers.(read
entire article)
View : 350 Times
Category : Career
Gain Multiple Skills For Handling Senior Management Finance
By: rahul sinha
No organisation can run successfully without an efficient and prudent senior management handling the finance department. In these competitive times when the world is besieged by economic slowdown only those organisation can sustain their growth and profitability which have expert financial senior managers.(read
entire article)
View : 348 Times
Category : Career
Getting Prestigious Hr Jobs In India Will Shape Your Career
By: rahul sinha
Human resource is an important department of an industrial or a business organization. In order to move to the next level of growth the organization needs to focus on these crucial vertical. Employees are the building blocks of any successful organization as they collectively contribute towards the smooth functioning of the organization.(read
entire article)
View : 359 Times
Category : Career