Here's the recent articles submitted by vern iayatt
Articles By vern iayatt
Health Benefits From Sauna And Steam Room
By: vern iayatt
All in all, sauna and steam room is safe for the body. However, heart patients should concern with their doctors before taking a sauna or steam bath. These kinds of hot baths stimulate blood circulation and promote healthy metabolism in human body but some people find it difficult to breathe in the dry heat of a sauna or in steam bath.(read
entire article)
View : 220 Times
Category : Travel
Benefits Of Water Treatment
By: vern iayatt
In the Steam bath treatment, health and spa experts use the positive sides of salt. The evaporated steam of the salt inside a closed room affects the health positively and helps the user to get rid of problems like lungs and bronchial tubes.(read
entire article)
View : 277 Times
Category : Beauty