Here's the recent articles submitted by jeffrey solochek
Articles By jeffrey solochek
5 Easy Steps To Getting Your Creative Juices Flowing
By: jeffrey solochek
Putting words into pictures in the readers mind is a talent, a talent that many of us lack. As a writer it is sometimes hard for the words to just flow onto the paper in front of us. I always start out by writing down the main points I want to encapsulate. My next step is to take each point and elaborate. One point may start out as just part of a sentence but by the time I finish with it it becomes a paragraph of 5 to 7 sentences.(read
entire article)
View : 378 Times
Category : Writing
A New Twitter Bot On The Block, This One Will Automate Everything For You
By: jeffrey solochek
Years ago MySpace came out and everybody loved it because anybody with a MySpace profile listed their interests and hobbies. A lot of businesses made a fortune because of this feature because they could target prospects by their interest. Unfortunately MySpace would do updates sometimes several times during a month and because of this bot kept on having to be modified because of the new site changes. Push ahead to the present, the only thing MySpace is good for is if you want to meet a hooker or an escort.(read
entire article)
View : 384 Times
Category : Business
Almost Fell For This Scam Again
By: jeffrey solochek
I was on the site local dot com because I was tryng to find our current weather in jacksonville. The site has a nice 3 column layout and on the left side I saw the headline of a mother who was in dire financial trouble last year but now she was earning between $5,000 and $7,000 per month. So like a fool I clicked on it.(read
entire article)
View : 369 Times
Category : Career
I Had Originally Planned On This Article Being On One Product Buta Great Piece Of Software That
By: jeffrey solochek
Now Techsmith will allow you a free trial but after the trial you are looking at spending several hundred dollars. However, Camstudio is free and does pretty much everything that Camtasia does. Perform a search in Google for Camstudio comma and then a plus sign and the word rapidshare. Rapidshare is a great site where you can download pretty much everything ecept your kitchen sink,(read
entire article)
View : 319 Times
Category : Computers
At First I Just Wanted To Make Money Online
By: jeffrey solochek
The first few years that I got on to the WWW I spent a pretty large fortune on Ebooks and ways to get rich. 10 years later I am a little bit more frugal than I used to be. I also have discovered that a lot of the things I used to pay for are now being given away with these giveaways that most Internet marketers participate in.(read
entire article)
View : 310 Times
Category : Business
Is Your Blog A Dead Stick?
By: jeffrey solochek
Life gives us knowledge, the sheer act of living day by day and the lessons learned as we grow can be a great database to pull from for blog topics. We all have it in us to encourage others, share experience with others or teach others what we have learned and people seek this information each and every day. With a simple blog that is targeted to one topic and some affiliate products to pitch on that topic, you very well could be on your way to extra cash each month. I do not make a fortune blogging, but I do pay my bills each month and have room to breathe now that I did not before I found this method and you too can do the same.(read
entire article)
View : 303 Times
Category : Business
Learn How To Make Money Online
By: jeffrey solochek
Have you ever bought one of those reports on a way to make money from one of those internet marketers? You read the entire report, maybe you write some notes in a notebook since it is pretty much impossible to write notes on a report that is on your monitor. Then you try to apply everything that was in the report. Does everything now work as in the report?(read
entire article)
View : 344 Times
Category : Marketing
In Today's Economy, You Can't Lay All Your Eggs In One Basket
By: jeffrey solochek
People everywhere are being laid off. Because of this they can't pay their mortgage, the bills or even put food on the table for their family. The reason, their only income was their job. Worldwide people are starting business in their homes but the problem with this scenario is they are still dependant on one source of income.(read
entire article)
View : 351 Times
Category : Career