Here's the recent articles submitted by jeffrey solochek
Articles By jeffrey solochek
Automate All Your Twitter Needs
By: jeffrey solochek
If you own a business you know how fierce competition can be and just how important it is to get a leg up on the other guy. This is especially true with products that are MLM driven. Because of the amount of people promoting the same products and or services, it is difficult to stay ahead of the game so to speak. There are many ways that you can get that leg up on the competition starting with Social Networking. Contrary to popular belief Social Networking is not just for playing games or meeting new people, it can also be a very valuable marketing tool. Yes you heard me; sites like Twitter for example are full of millions of users and thousands of potential customers.(read
entire article)
View : 343 Times
Category : Business
Marketing On Twitter Has Never Been Easier
By: jeffrey solochek
If you own a business you know how fierce competition can be and just how important it is to get a leg up on the other guy. This is especially true with products that are MLM driven. Because of the amount of people promoting the same products and or services, it is difficult to stay ahead of the game so to speak. There are many ways that you can get that leg up on the competition starting with Social Networking. Contrary to popular belief Social Networking is not just for playing games or meeting new people, it can also be a very valuable marketing tool. Yes you heard me; sites like Twitter for example are full of millions of users and thousands of potential customers.(read
entire article)
View : 317 Times
Category : Business
Whatever Happened To
By: jeffrey solochek
Every day upon waking I say Goodmorning to my wife and to my son. Unfortunately I neve
r hear it returned. When my wife cleans the house up or does the dishes I will first complement her and then say Thank You. This is called showing respect to other people. When I do dishes, which is often, or clean an area I never get any type of complemenmt or a simple Thank You.(read
entire article)
View : 321 Times
Category : Family
Just Need Someone To Talk To
By: jeffrey solochek
I have over 700 friends on Facebook, a lot of friends from when I was in business. Unfortunately I can only message these friends. Every once in a while it would be great if I had a local friend that I could just call up on the phone. A lot of this is because for the past 2 years all my work has been done out of my home office.(read
entire article)
View : 325 Times
Category : Family
Wake Up America
By: jeffrey solochek
Our country has so many problems yet we are still giving money away freely to other country which increases our debt. We are sending soldiers over to Afghanistan, before that Iraq and how much is this costing us? I have heard it said that the cost is $1 million per soldier. How insane is that? Another figure I saw was that the cost per soldier whether they are in Iraq or Afghanistan is about $275,000 per year.(read
entire article)
View : 340 Times
Category : Family
Seo, Not Just A One Time Thing
By: jeffrey solochek
SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is not just something that needs to be done once. The best way for you to know what has to be done is by looking at a vitamin that you take for your health. You cannot consume it just once and expect it to fix everything that ails you. Look at that one that sell in the stores, One a Day, you need to take it every day for you to get the greatest benefits(read
entire article)
View : 341 Times
Category : Business
Which Software Is Best When You Want To Rewrite Your Articles
By: jeffrey solochek
I have spent the last 2 weeks examining the many different softwares out there that will rewrite your articles so that each site you submit to will have an article that is completely unique. Back a few years ago their was a lot of software that would...(read
entire article)
View : 400 Times
Category : Marketing
Vote Whoopi As Our Next President
By: jeffrey solochek
If our forefathers were here today they would either scout out an island someplace and found a new country or commit suicide. These days it is not a choice of who will run our country the best but a choice in who will finch off the United States the...(read
entire article)
View : 437 Times
Category : Politics
Myspace, No Space For The Less Than Perfect
By: jeffrey solochek
If our forefathers were here today they would either scout out an island someplace and found a new country or commit suicide. These days it is not a choice of who will run our country the best but a choice in who will finch off the United States the...(read
entire article)
View : 2037 Times
Category : Health
Everybody Is Always Looking For The Shortest Way To Get Rich Quick
By: jeffrey solochek
There are very few shortcuts that might work. For the most part the reason so many fail is because they are looking for the dream, the get rich quick scheme that will require very little work on their part. Because of everybody looking for this there are(read
entire article)
View : 370 Times
Category : Business