Here's the recent articles submitted by jim parker
Articles By jim parker
Participant Education Plan As A Vital Requirement
By: jim parker
The process of retirement is a very critical stage for every adult. This is because a lot of decisions are required at this stage. The Participant education plan decision should be concrete and very ideal to help attain a very comprehensive life after retirement..(read
entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Benefits Of Pension Plan Advisor
By: jim parker
Retirement is inevitable. How does one live after retirement? Savings! Retirement age is usually fixed, but when to start savings depends on an individual. Whether an individual is working for the government, private company, or doing personal work, it is important to save.(read
entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Things To Keep In Mind When Selecting A 401(k) Plan Advisor
By: jim parker
As a 401 (k) Plan Sponsor and a business owner, you are responsible to choose a high quality 401 (k) plan advisor.(read
entire article)
View : 256 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Guide To Finding A Financial Investment Advisor
By: jim parker
A financial investment advisor - such as a 401(k) plan advisor, defined benefit plan advisor, or an endowment plan consultant - is one of the most important things a plan sponsor needs when it comes to managing the fiduciary process of a retirement plan.(read
entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Business