Here's the recent articles submitted by brain vire
Articles By brain vire
Use Of Right Technology And Method – A Driving Force For A Profitable Web Development Venture
By: brain vire
Today, the internet has become an immortal part of our routine life. No matter what your purpose of using the internet, whether you wish to purchase anything, get information about specific things or wish to improve your knowledge on specific topics, websites can help you get it on the go.(read
entire article)
View : 783 Times
Category : Computers
Iphone App Development – How To Encourage Users To Download Your Iphone App?
By: brain vire
There is no denying that iPhone app development is at its peak these days, and there are no signs of seeing any big downfall in it in the near future. However, just by simply developing an innovative iPhone application, you won't be able to get the desired results or achieve your goals. For that, you will have to concentrate on your marketing efforts.(read
entire article)
View : 646 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
What Makes Symfony 2 Unique From The Rest Of The Php Framework?
By: brain vire
Recently Google has announced that PHP is a world's leading scripting language used for developing websites. According to the recent stats from Web Technology Surveys, almost 80.8% of websites across the world use PHP, and the main reason behind this is the popularity and success of its Frameworks, specifically Symfony 2.X.(read
entire article)
View : 645 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
What Are The Possible Seo Trends In 2013-2014?
By: brain vire
If you're familiar or associated with the world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you might be aware about the cheesy nature of Google and how often it introduces changes in its search engine algorithms. 2012 saw a change in the markets, search engine algorithms and SERP (Search Engine Result Page) results, which has affected a lot of SEO service providers.(read
entire article)
View : 422 Times
Category : Search Engine Optimization
Aspdotnet Mvc 4 Brings Out-of-the-box Features For The Developers
By: brain vire
If you're associated with ASP.NET application development, then you might be knowing that ASP.MVC (Model View Controller) framework is intended to help web developers create applications that can easily be accessed over the URLs like RESTFul services. It clearly separates the application layers into Views, Models and Controllers.(read
entire article)
View : 733 Times
Category : Web Design
The Top 5 Php Frameworks Of 2013 For Php Web Development
By: brain vire
There is a great deal of PHP frameworks to create excellent websites and choosing the best PHP framework for custom PHP Web Development is important as it adds an element of robustness and success to the project. The Frameworks help the PHP developers to structure their code so that it functions as a streamlined and logical application.(read
entire article)
View : 536 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Mobile Website Development: Who Will Be The Browsing King – Chrome Or Safari?
By: brain vire
The advancement in mobile technology has amazed the world. On an average 80% of the Smartphone users seeks mobile optimized product information while they're shopping in stores. More ‘n' more people are using their Smartphones to browse the internet or to find anything over the internet. In such scenario, it has become crucial for the developers to create or optimize websites for the mobile devices in order to make them run smoothly over the mobile browsers like Safari, Chrome and so on.(read
entire article)
View : 673 Times
Category : Computers
What Makes Magento A Leading Ecommerce Platform In 2013?
By: brain vire
Today, if you google about eCommerce websites, you will find the essence of Magento in it! Almost every business or retailer prefers to go for Magento web development to shape up their online shopping cart. This shows that Magento has impressively developed in the last few years.(read
entire article)
View : 710 Times
Category : Computers
Joomla Development Services – A Right Move To Boost Up Your Joomla Development Venture
By: brain vire
Joomla doesn't need any introduction at this stage, when some of the world's leading brands are using it and trusting it. Joomla is an open source CMS (Content Management System), which comprises of all the features and functions that help one to create out-of-the-box website without much more effort.(read
entire article)
View : 459 Times
Category : Computer Programming
Java Application Development - Java Se 8 Preview Is Now Available For The Developers To Test!
By: brain vire
Recently in a blog post, Oracle's chief architect of the Java platform group, Mark Reinhold has shown his desire towards the developers that they should test out the developer preview for JDK (Java Development Kit) 8, which has been unveiled and available for the developers on Monday. It is important to note that JDK 8 is based on the Java SE (Standard Edition) 8.(read
entire article)
View : 393 Times
Category : Computers