Here's the recent articles submitted by oleg tchechel
Articles By oleg tchechel
Recommendation For Building Ventilation And Cooling
By: oleg tchechel
The first step toward controlling the hot air porblem is to provide for the removal of excessively hot air from the building. This superheated air frequently mixes with the air in the cooler areas of the building to produce an overall temperature increase. As superheated air is frequently localized around heat-producing machinery, it should be exhausted from the building near its source.(read
entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : General
Frp Axial Fan Ventilators
By: oleg tchechel
AB Blower fans are the finest quality blowers available for efficient movement of corrosive, humid, or polluted air, gases, and fumes. These fire-retardant and corrosion-resistant plastic fans are specially designed and especially suited for hostile applications where coated metal blowers typically corrode. Northern Industrial fans are proven thoughout the world and clearly recognized for superior quality, reliability, and efficiency.(read
entire article)
View : 304 Times
Category : General
Axial Versus Centrifugal Fan
By: oleg tchechel
Variable pitch blade in axial fan blower is used where precise control of static pressure within supply ducts is required. The fan wheel will spin at a constant RPM . The blades follow the control pitch hub. As the hub moves toward the rotor the blades increase their angle of attack and an increase in flow results.(read
entire article)
View : 326 Times
Category : Education
Industrial Ventilation Blowers And Fans
By: oleg tchechel
Fan ventilators are classified into propeller, tube axial and vane axial styles, and each type has different characteristics. Propeller fans consist of only a motor and propeller and therefore are the simplest. Tube axial are similar to propellers but has a venturi around the propeller to reduce the vortices. Vane axial fans are equipped with vanes that trail behind the propeller in the airflow to straighten the swirling flow.(read
entire article)
View : 296 Times
Category : General
Centrifugal Fan And Ventilators
By: oleg tchechel
Centrifugal blowers have a number of blades mounted around the hub, which turns on a shaft that passes through the housing. Centrifugal fan can come in three different types of fan blades. They can come with forward curved blades, backward curved blades and straight radial blades. The type you need will come down to what the conditions are within the area in which you intend to use the device.(read
entire article)
View : 355 Times
Category : Business
Centrifugal Blower Vs Axial Blower
By: oleg tchechel
Tube Axial Fans are high-volume low-pressure fan line with a wide range of available sizes. Suitable for temperatures up to 250 deg F. Vaneaxial Fans – Axial flow fans with higher pressure capability due to the presence of static vanes.(read
entire article)
View : 293 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Ventilator Fans And Blowers
By: oleg tchechel
Axial flow ventilator blows the air in line with the axis of rotation and there must be blades with space between them. With few exceptions, the axial blower or fan must not have a lot of back pressure and will work a lot better if the blade is shrouded. One obvious exception is the turbine compressor used in jet engines, but this requires very tight fittings and very high speed so the air is being rammed in against the outgoing air much faster than it can move - it uses a lot of power and makes a lot of noise. Shrouding works better because the greatest loss in an unshrouded fan is the air coming off near the tips and immediately turning out and back circulating only through the fan and not through the room. The most common shrouded fan people see is muffin style fan in computers. An axial blower can have multiple sets of blades and the blades can even over lap so light is not visible through the fan. Fans are used most often for moving large quantities of air between spaces at atmospheric pressure.(read
entire article)
View : 265 Times
Category : Business
Ventilation By Forced Draft Fan
By: oleg tchechel
Forced draft ventilation is used to control indoor air quality. Excess humidity, odors, and contaminants can often be controlled via dilution or replacement with outside air. However, in humid climates much energy is required to remove excess moisture from ventilation air.(read
entire article)
View : 276 Times
Category : Business
Industrial And Process Ventilation
By: oleg tchechel
Blowers and fans include several types such as duct fans, roof and ceiling ventilators, wall mounted fans, pressure blowers, and freestanding units with different mounting options. For extreme conditions and plants, drum fans can be used to move even larger amounts of air. These types of fans come with wheels attached and can be rolled to the area that circulation is needed the most. Some manufacturers even sell just the fan heads for a more freedom and a reduced assembly and cost on the company.(read
entire article)
View : 310 Times
Category : Service
High Pressure Radial Blowers And Fans
By: oleg tchechel
A radial fan can be just your normal portable fan or a ceiling fan is normal is most humid areas. When you do have a ceiling fan it's important to note that most of them must be put in by an experienced electrician otherwise you could have some serious problems with them. They are certainly a lot more economical than running an air conditioner, which is why they are so popular in humid areas where having some air flow cools down the place. Radial fans are also found in most air conditioning units now, they are used to blow cooled air out of the unit and into the room.(read
entire article)
View : 299 Times
Category : Others