Here's the recent articles submitted by oleg tchechel
Articles By oleg tchechel
Roof Ventilators For Large Buildings
By: oleg tchechel
Proper building ventilation requires that there be a movement or circulation of the air within the space and that the temperature and humidity be maintained within a range that allows adequate evaporation of perspiration from the skin. It was formerly believed that the discomfort, headache, and lethargy commonly associated with poor ventilation were caused entirely by the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and the decrease in the oxygen content of the air. There is evidence to show, however, that the deleterious effects result largely from interference with the heat-regulating mechanism of the body. Lack of air currents and the increase in relative humidity and temperature (especially noticeable in crowded, poorly ventilated places) prevent normal evaporation of perspiration and loss of heat from the surface of the skin.(read
entire article)
View : 346 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure
A 100% Reversible Roof Ventilators For Building Ventilation
By: oleg tchechel
CBRE Roof Recirculators function as regular power roof ventilators in warmer weather and as an energy-saving recirculation air system in cold weather. Each unit is equipped with a reversible fan that distributes warm ceiling air thoughout the plant and reduces the builing's heating requirements. With a flip of a switch it can function as a conventional roof ventilator. There are two unit types: 1) for exhaust and recirculation; 2) for exhaust, supply and recirculation.(read
entire article)
View : 448 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Cast Aluminum Regenerative Blower
By: oleg tchechel
The specifications to consider when selecting regenerative blowers include: maximum free air delivery, maximum pressure, and motor power. Free air delivery (FAD) is the actual air produced by the compressor pump at the rated pressure. Maximum FAD is usually rated at a pressure somewhat less than the maximum pressure available. Volume per unit time is the unit of measure. Maximum pressure is the maximum level of air pressure generated by the compressor. Typically, these units are referenced to one atmosphere, as in psig or psi gauge. Note that maximum flow may not occur at maximum pressure. Motor power is the rated power of motor or engine driving compressor pump.(read
entire article)
View : 443 Times
Category : Environment
Make-up Air System - Tube Ventilator
By: oleg tchechel
When exhaust fans are used to provide ventilation, both for industrial and process exhaust and personnel comfort, a negative air pressure is created within the building. This negative pressure causes several problems:
- Process exhaust systems are less efficient and may not work properly.
- Down flow can occur through gravity vents and result in the back venting of products of combustionfrom flues and stacks of heaters and process equipment.
- Drafts are created that are a dsicomfort to employees. Safe operating of outside doors may even be impaired.(read
entire article)
View : 399 Times
Category : General
New Power Tube Make Up Air Systems
By: oleg tchechel
When exhaust fans are used to provide ventilation, both for industrial and process exhaust and personnel comfort, a negative air pressure is created within the building. This negative pressure causes several problems:
- Process exhaust systems are less efficient and may not work properly.
- Down flow can occur through gravity vents and result in the back venting of products of combustion from flues and stacks of heaters and process equipment.
- Drafts are created that are a dsicomfort to employees. Safe operating of outside doors may even be impaired.(read
entire article)
View : 357 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Industrial High Pressure Ventilators
By: oleg tchechel
ACME Fan Co. distributes new style of Low Profile Positive Pressure Ventilators that have been designed to fit in tight compartments ans small spaces without scarificing performance or features. These compact ventilation blowers are available is both gasoline driven conviguration and with 115/230V single phase electric motor.(read
entire article)
View : 429 Times
Category : Business
Ventilators For Industry
By: oleg tchechel
The manufacturing industry utilizes fans for power boilers, recovery boilers, lime kilns, dissolving tanks, and dryers. These applications, which are integral to the production process, are often very corrosive. Reliability and durability of fans and blowers for such applications are vital for continuous operation. Canada Blower fans for demanding and corrosive applications ofer real value - saving on future downtime and maintenance costs.(read
entire article)
View : 363 Times
Category : General
Mix Flow Ventilators For High Pressure Air Moving
By: oleg tchechel
High pressure MVA series mixed flow in-line ventilators finally resolves the problem of pushing air through high resistance and long ventilation ducts.(read
entire article)
View : 333 Times
Category : Others
Ventilation With Industrial Fans And Blowers
By: oleg tchechel
Process fans include several types such as duct fans, roof and ceiling ventilators, wall mounted fans, pressure blowers, and freestanding units with different mounting options. For extreme conditions and plants, drum fans can be used to move even larger amounts of air. These types of fans come with wheels attached and can be rolled to the area that circulation is needed the most. Some manufacturers even sell just the fan heads for a more freedom and a reduced assembly and cost on the company.(read
entire article)
View : 388 Times
Category : Service
High Temperature Ventilator And Blower For Up To 2,200 F Operation
By: oleg tchechel
There are 2 major types of high temperature fans - centrifugal and axial:
Centrifugal Wheels:
* Multiblade forward curve wheel. This type of wheel is usually specified where there is a necessity for large volumes of flow against low to medium static pressure requirements. The forward curve blade is that it delivers the same volume of air as either the backward or radial blade wheel, at a lower fan speed, which is important due to wheel stresses at elevated temperatures. This fan is the most common type used in all types of heat treatment operations except where a buildup of material on the blades could occur, as wheel unbalance would result.
* Radial Blade, paddle wheel type fans. This type of wheel is usually specified where there is a necessity for medium volumes of flow against medium to large static pressures. The paddle wheel is considered a self cleaning type of wheel. It could be used where there are various materials or dust in the air stream. Due to its structurally strong design, it is used in many heat treatment applications at very high temperatures where maximum fan longevity is desired.
Axial Blade Wheels:
* The axial blade wheel is usually specified where there is a need for very large volumes of flows against low static pressure. Axial wheel like the multi-blade forward curve type wheel could cause an axial fan to deliver different air volumes at the same static pressure, if the total pressure requirement of the fan system was underestimated. This type of fan is ideally suited where a large volume of flow is required with a minimum of duct work and is used extensively for small and large furnaces, such as aluminum annealing.(read
entire article)
View : 362 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science