Here's the recent articles submitted by guild black
Articles By guild black
Interactions Between You And The Different Races
Submitted as: Jennefiy
On the flipside, the interactions between you and the different races, and the interactions between the races and each other, can be the most amusing and fascinating part of the game.(read
entire article)
View : 292 Times
Category : General
What Left Such A Bad Taste In My Mouth Is That
Submitted as: Jennefiy
This can certainly lead to a feeling of deflation, particularly if you've worked hard to get to that point. It is possible to skip the event and carry on with the rest of the PGA Tour.(read
entire article)
View : 279 Times
Category : General
This Can Certainly Lead To A Feeling Of Deflation
Submitted as: Jennify
The audio is soothing and matches the preconceptions of the golfing world, even if the menu music does occasionally stray a little too close to the realm of muzak for some. Bird song.(read
entire article)
View : 329 Times
Category : General
I Did Find Though That On Multiple
Submitted as: Jennefiy
There are some issues with the game, which are all the more frustrating seeing as they're mostly niggling issues that could have been removed with a little more fine-tuning.(read
entire article)
View : 451 Times
Category : General
With So Much Experience Behind The Game
Submitted as: Jennefiy
The story itself manages to keep from becoming prosaic by allowing you to engage with a number of characters. By having the gamer experience the story from both sides of the opposing forces.(read
entire article)
View : 329 Times
Category : General
Campaign Gameplay For The Most Part
Submitted as: Jennefiy
Weapons can be picked up throughout the various levels, and each has the ability to be upgraded at Teletraan 1 kiosks throughout the game using energon shards as currency..(read
entire article)
View : 362 Times
Category : General
Faster Robot With The Ability To Cloak
Submitted as: Jennefiy
The first team to the designated number of points wins. Head Hunter is a mode similar to the Halo Reach game type of the same name: Kill the opposition and capture their spark..(read
entire article)
View : 275 Times
Category : General
There Is A Great Deal Of Depth In Deck Building
Submitted as: Jennefiy
There is a great deal of depth in deck building, and the Micro-transactions are a good start, but prices can quickly get prohibitively expensive. One booster pack of five cards is $3.(read
entire article)
View : 330 Times
Category : General
Maybe Thunderstorms Or Shadows Scare You
Submitted as: Jennefiy
Booting up the game left eerie sounds emanating from my TV. The mood was set: screams could be heard and the game hadnt even started yet. Starting a new game gives you a few choices.(read
entire article)
View : 277 Times
Category : General
It Lights Up Your Fifa 14 Coins World
Submitted as: Jennefiy
When it rains, the monsters come out to play (and by play I mean fulfill their bloodlust). With storms comes lightning, and this is some of the best I have seen.(read
entire article)
View : 330 Times
Category : General