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Articles By jill elliott

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Google Glass Application Development – A New Wave In The Tech World   By: jill elliott
As technology is scaling new heights each passing year, the latest platform it has created for the benefit of people with the use of glasses. It is similar to any other pair of glasses that are worn to improve or correct eye vision. The difference is the endless features it is loaded with.(read entire article)
View : 312 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Enter In The World Of Google Glass And Experience Sheer Brilliance Of Technology   By: jill elliott
What makes the Google Glass a wearable computer are the apps. You can wear the Glass just like any other pair of eyeglasses and control it through your voice commands. Most of the things that you were used to doing with your hands while using mobile and other electronic devices are possible just by delivering voice commands.(read entire article)
View : 339 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Stay In Sync With Current Customer Needs With Bootstrap Design   By: jill elliott
Bootstrap incorporates four design features that are named as scaffolding, components, Javascript plug-ins and CSS. These features combine together in creating responsive web designs. Each feature performs a particular set of function and is built differently.(read entire article)
View : 359 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Transforming Google Glass From A Novelty Technology Into An Essential Part Of Our Lives   By: jill elliott
Google Glass managed to be successful where most wearable technologies had failed. Not only was the device light enough to be worn all day, it also came with high quality video streaming and GPS functionality.(read entire article)
View : 295 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Bootstrap Web Development – Changing The Manner In Which Websites Are Developed   By: jill elliott
Strong feature of Bootstrap web development is the use of CSS3. Along with HTML 5, the new features of CSS3 offers enough design options in the hands of web designers and developers. You can define the look of your website the way you want with these new features.(read entire article)
View : 387 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Taking The Minimal Approach   By: jill elliott
The latest Google Glass update has introduced a web browser in the device, Google Glass Web Development has become a highly talked about topic.(read entire article)
View : 342 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Build Unique And Interesting Google Glass Apps Using Google Glasses Application Development   By: jill elliott
Developers are using Google Glassware to develop the apps. This Glassware in turn is being built by using Google Mirror API to develop fun application for this extraordinary device.(read entire article)
View : 358 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Best Practices To Design Usable And Exciting Applications Using Google Glassware Concept   By: jill elliott
Now-a-days many devices are available in the market which allows users to store and use the information whenever required for various purposes. Google Glasses are the forthcoming device which provides the relevant, latest and simple information for the users.(read entire article)
View : 381 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Points To Be Considered To Hire Google Glasses Developers To Design Unique And Bug Free Applications   By: jill elliott
Apart from apps, the Google Glasses are packaged with a web browser allowing users to integrate the glasses to various web screens such as desktops, Smartphone's, tablets, smart TVs, etc. easily. The web browser in these Glasses can be opened only by passing voice commands to search apps and click on the search results obtained.(read entire article)
View : 289 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Google Glasses Application Development- Next Step Into Visual Realism   By: jill elliott
Recently, Google announced the introduction of the newest project, Google Glasses. It permits apps to be developed for a specifically designed and amplified eyeglass framework.(read entire article)
View : 329 Times
Category : Computer Programming

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