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Articles By superstar tunes

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For Unsigned Bands And The Emerging Artist The Future Can Be Bright   By: superstar tunes
Who hasn't crooned into a hairbrush dreaming of stardom and a career in music? Or stared at their favorite artist on television daydreaming about how it might be like to be them? Still, how do you go beyond singing in the shower? For the emerging artist breaking into show business can seem nearly impossible. However there is much you can do to ensure your journey is successful.(read entire article)
View : 291 Times
Category : Music

Learning How To Promote Your Music And Showcase Your Musical Talents A Must For New Artists   By: superstar tunes
To new music artists, the music world can seem to be a pretty daunting place. You've made it – now what? If you have made it onto the bottom rung of the ladder to success, congratulations! Now that you are there, you are soon to realize that the hardest work is yet to begin. You have to get to the top – and the climb to get there can be your biggest struggle yet.(read entire article)
View : 290 Times
Category : Music

Promoting Your Music Through Independent Record Labels An Option For Emerging Artists   By: superstar tunes
Many of the world's greatest bands got their start on independent record labels, which operate without funding or support from major record labels. There are mixed opinions of these types of record companies, but the truth is there are advantages and disadvantages to both major and independent record companies. For the new recording artist, there is much to consider.(read entire article)
View : 318 Times
Category : Music

Record Labels Looking To Hear Music Of New Artists An Opportunity For The Unsigned   By: superstar tunes
If you are looking to break into music business, you are likely seeking out new record labels to shop your demo tapes to. It may seem daunting, but really the process isn't as difficult as you might think. For unsigned artists, music companies provide several ways in which to hear new music and see new faces. If you have the drive, it can be a simple matter to get yourself on the map, and blast off a new career.(read entire article)
View : 306 Times
Category : Music

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