Here's the recent articles submitted by doris abrego
Articles By doris abrego
Salvia Divinorum - Helping People With Depression
By: doris abrego
Salvia was once only used for the treatment of simple diseases such as diarrhea, headache and colds. It was also used as a ceremonial herb for different shamanic rituals and was involved on the process of divination, in which they predict the future life or outcome of a person's fate.(read
entire article)
View : 103 Times
Category : Health
Salvia Divinorum - Is It Really Dangerous?
By: doris abrego
It was an herb that came from the realms of Oaxaca, Mexico, a remote place where the tradition of Mazatec Indians was a known culture. They perform divination about what is to come, they heal people suffering from diarrhea and headache,(read
entire article)
View : 102 Times
Category : Health
Salvia Divinorum - The Origin
By: doris abrego
Salvia divinorum is a powerful herb which has already been in use hundreds of years even before the world knew about it. It isa psychoactive plant known to induce hallucinogenic visions to human beings.It is also called by the names “diviner's sage”, “sage of the seers” or simply salvia.(read
entire article)
View : 89 Times
Category : Health
Salvia Divinorum Extraction Methods - Which Is The Best?
By: doris abrego
Salvia divinorum can be ingested by several different ways. There are capsules, leaves and tea method. However, if you have your own salvia divinorum plant or you ordered some bulk amount...(read
entire article)
View : 97 Times
Category : Health
Salvia Divinorum Usage Guide – How To Use It To Achieve Positive Results
By: doris abrego
Saliva divinorum is known as the most powerful naturally occurring hallucinogen which does not impose any risky side effects and long term effects. It is also known by the names sage of the seers, ska Maria pastora, diviner's sage and Sally-D.(read
entire article)
View : 78 Times
Category : Health