Here's the recent articles submitted by rob parker
Articles By rob parker
Time Management Helps To Bring Projects In Under Budget
By: rob parker
If you manage your time well, you can actually save money.
Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to delegate tasks and track exactly whom has done what? Get started using online project collaboration software and see just how easy it is to follow everyone’s progress.(read
entire article)
View : 233 Times
Category : Business
4 Must Have Components When Choosing Online Collaboration Software
By: rob parker
Choosing the right online software can make or break any business
Web collaboration software is the way of the future. No more will you have to ask someone to email you their part of the project, because all of the documents can be stored and accessed from one source. You will always be able to access all of the project documents, as well any meetings or discussions concerning your project.(read
entire article)
View : 1488 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Ontario - The Rules Have Changed -team Canada Players No Longer Eligible For High School Hockey
Submitted as: Paul Crowley
Ontarion Hockey has changed the rules regarding team Canada
For more information on this article or a minor hockey tournament, visit
entire article)
View : 318 Times
Category : Sports
Benefits Of Lead Acrylic Versus Lead Glass
By: rob parker
There are many side effect to being exposed to radiation, be aware of them and protect against them using the right shielding alternatives
Attention to detail and safety are critical for a company that manufactures nuclear shielding materials for any industry.(read
entire article)
View : 374 Times
Category : Health
Are There Advantages To Hiring Married Realtors?
By: rob parker
Married real estate agents may through two perspectives on your sale or purchase instead of one
If you're looking for real estate, Waterloo, Ontario has many residential and commercial properties available. Call an agent that is focused on the area, with real estate listings in Kitchener-Waterloo as well as Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich Townships.(read
entire article)
View : 775 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure
Social Networking - Why 19-30 Year Olds Are Using The Internet
By: rob parker
Why is it social netowrking is becoming such a big thing especially in the 19-30 age group
If you want to meet single people online, join others like you that are part of an online social networking community that are chatting, sharing photos and making friends, all for FREE!(read
entire article)
View : 415 Times
Category : Social Community
Hobbyists - Getting A Bead On Your Wire
By: rob parker
Did you know that if you are one of the thousands of hobbyists who use beads there is an easier way to cut the wire.
Use a wire cutter machine as a tube cutter and as a cable cutter, and switch materials without blade, tool or die changes.(read
entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Hobbies
United States Airline Carry-on Regulations
By: rob parker
Since 9/11 and other terroist attacks airlines are much more stringent about your carry on luggage.
When it comes to carrying your laptop, a quality laptop backpack bag will protect your laptop, while giving you the benefits of a quality leather bag(read
entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Travel
What To Look For When Hiring A Personal Fitness Trainer
By: rob parker
You walk into the gym, there's the equipment, there's the trainers, which do you pick ?
Have you recently bought a membership to one of the fitness clubs Toronto has, but never seem to find the time to go? You should consider buying a membership to your own in-home gym. Never have to leave the house again for your workout; with you own personal equipment and trainer.(read
entire article)
View : 232 Times
Category : Fitness
The Many Uses For Printed Shrink Wrap Labels
By: rob parker
It's not just about teliing you waht is inside, it's about promotion and a whole host more.
A printed shrink sleeve is most effective to show off your company’s logo, or to number the sleeves. Just allow an adequate margin on all sides of image.(read
entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Marketing