Here's the recent articles submitted by spiderman li
Articles By spiderman li
2013 Top 3 Best Video Editing Software To Split/cut/merge/combine Videos
By: spiderman li
Video Crop: remove unwanted parts from video files, meanwhile, rotate video from the aspects of right, left, horizontal and vertical
Video Merge: combine several video files to a single video file within the timeline using different transitions like image, audio, text(read
entire article)
View : 140 Times
Category : Computers
Canon Xf305 Mxf To Sony Vegas For Editing Smoothly
By: spiderman li
The XF305 can record with 1080/60i or 720/60p HD MXF. MXF file format is not compatible with many programs. And files saved in the mxf format are very compact and do not take too much space on flash drives and hard drives. However, the biggest issue with the mxf files is that they are not supported by popular video players and video editors, including such popular software as Sony Vegas.(read
entire article)
View : 133 Times
Category : General