Here's the recent articles submitted by jim desantis
Articles By jim desantis
Credit Repair And Your Emotions
By: jim desantis
How emotions impact credit is a subject that few people think about but more and more therapists are talking about. As a Pastoral Counselor I have long known that there is a powerful link between our emotions and our money. We may think that money is all about our rational selves but, in fact, our emotions very much determine our financial decisions.
Jim DeSantis is a retired broadcast news journalist who has put together two comprehensive free ebooks titled "Credit Rescue!" and "How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft!" To get these Free eBooks, visit Jim's website Gifts from Jim Both ebooks are instant downloads. No email or signup required.(read
entire article)
View : 342 Times
Category : Family
Thank You President Bush And Congress
By: jim desantis
This is a Thank You to President Bush who proposed the Stimulus checks and to the Congress members who voted for the Stimulus package. You gave us a great vacation!
Jim DeSantis is a member of the Online Business Alliance. If you think you have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to start a business with excellent profit potential, think again! Get your own Internet business for Five-Dollars here!(read
entire article)
View : 432 Times
Category : Home Based Business
The Secret To Having A Powerful Memory
By: jim desantis
Artificial intelligence will likely never be a match to the computing power of the human mind. Most of all, it cannot match the memory capacity of your mind once you know the tricks that professionals use.(read
entire article)
View : 310 Times
Category : Entertainment
Self Esteem Magic For Average People
By: jim desantis
What if you were born with a genetic hearing impairment that later caused you to drop out of High School and grab the first factory job you could find. Do you think you might have low self esteem? Do you think you could learn to overcome such odds?(read
entire article)
View : 324 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance
What An Article Should And Should Not Be
By: jim desantis
You have a website. You want traffic. Therefore, you need articles. You can write them, buy them, even get them free but you must first understand what an article is and isn't before you put your reputation on the line.(read
entire article)
View : 578 Times
Category : Writing
How To Make Your Web Site Popular - Fast
By: jim desantis
A website without traffic might just as well have never been built. It's invisible and unsuccessful. It's a fact - No Traffic = Invisible! There are many tried and tested free methods for driving web traffic to your website. Many of these free methods are absolute gems that can drive truckloads of web traffic to your website. Here are the top free methods I use to gain PR4 and PR5 for most of my blogs and web sites.(read
entire article)
View : 319 Times
Category : Marketing
Stop Being A Victim Of Launches And Pre-launches
By: jim desantis
The truth is this... there's no such thing as a "Pre-Launch". A program is either launched or it's not launched. If it's accepting new Members - it's launched. If people are promoting it - it's launched. If you found out about it in your email - it's launched. But, the question is - Can you still get in early enough to get rich along with the "Big Dogs" and "Heavy Hitters"?(read
entire article)
View : 350 Times
Category : Marketing
What Nobody Else Will Tell You About Internet Marketing
By: jim desantis
By now you've probably noticed a pattern forming regarding what so-called Internet guru's will and won't tell you. They will tell you everything you want to hear whether it's true or not. They will tell you that making money on the Internet is the easiest thing in the world, so easy that you can do it while you're sleeping, so easy that their 12-year-old can do it, so easy that you can make money working just ten minutes a day, or even not working at all. I'm going to tell you what they conveniently leave out.
Tip: Jim DeSantis is a retired TV News Anchor who advertises his 15 blogs and five web sites for free. Get Free Viral Traffic - here! Jim is a partner in Online Business Alliance... here!, a group of like-minded people helping each other succeed on line.(read
entire article)
View : 329 Times
Category : Home Based Business
How To Tell A Good Matrix From A Bad Matrix
By: jim desantis
You've seen them. They're everywhere. The matrix is probably one of the most solid pay plans because it pays out less than it brings in. That means it's sustainable, which is good for you and good for the program owner. But, they are tremendously flexible by nature and that opens the door to greed. Matrix type programs can be very good or very bad. Here's how to tell the difference.
Jim DeSantis is a retired TV News Anchor and partner in Online Business Alliance ( here ), a group of like-minded people helping each other succeed on line. Jim also publishes "Gifts from Jim DeSantis" ( here ), a blog offering free ebooks and software on many topics.(read
entire article)
View : 317 Times
Category : Home Based Business
China Beats The United States Of America
By: jim desantis
The 2008 Olympics were spectacular. China put on the greatest show ever and the USA won a ton of gold and broke olympic records. But, by the time you read this, China will likely be named the largest manufacturer of goods on the planet pushing the United States into second place. New technologies have made it possible for companies to begin moving many different kinds of jobs to China.
Jim DeSantis is a retired TV News Anchor and partner in Online Business Alliance ( here ), a group of like-minded people helping each other succeed on line. Jim also publishes "Gifts from Jim DeSantis" ( here ), a blog offering free ebooks and software on many topics.(read
entire article)
View : 376 Times
Category : Home Based Business