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Articles By jim desantis

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Save Money Eating Healthy The No Organic Way!   By: jim desantis
As I get closer to the end of life than to the beginning, I am becoming very food conscious. Better late than never, right? Here are my tips for beating the grocery bill while still eating healthy. Jim DeSantis is a retired investigative journalist who edits a family of websites dedicated to information to help us cope in today's society. Get more information on this topic at http://libraryfordummys.jdanswers.com or http://jdanswers-ebooks.com .(read entire article)
View : 334 Times
Category : Health

Review: Free Email Marketing Videos   By: jim desantis
Have you ever been faced with the task of having to write an email promotion to your list, and then realized that you didn't know what to say or how to say it? Or, how about a blog post that just doesn't express any power of thought?(read entire article)
View : 370 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

Earn From Every Website Or Blog Visitor With The Ppp Revolution!   By: jim desantis
My blog readers know I am always looking for easy ways to make a few bucks here and a few bucks there without doing a ton of work. The PPP revolution is kicking off in February of 2008. It's free to sign up and takes advantage of the switch by advertisers from the Major TV networks to small websites and blogs on the web. For more details about PPP visit Jim's blog at On Line Tribune. The link to PPP is in the top post. While there, grab more free information about Internet Marketing.(read entire article)
View : 406 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

Your Household Is A Business!   By: jim desantis
Budgeting and personal finances are my favorite topics. It wasn't always that way but, once I realized that our household was not being run based on profit and loss principles, my whole attitude changed and the money started accumulating in our bank account. Jim DeSantis is a retired broadcast journalist who publishes the Money Matters blog and edits the eBooks Library.(read entire article)
View : 283 Times
Category : Business

Celebrity Health And Fitness Secrets   By: jim desantis
Did you catch that tabloid that exposed the stars without their makup? Even so, you have to agree, from the neck on down celebrities always look fabulous. Whether appearing in television or films or strutting down the red carpet during movie premiers and awards, they make us wonder why they are so blessed in the looks department. How do they do it? Jim DeSantis is a retired broadcast journalist who edits the Health & Fitness website. Shape your future by applying the simple steps to a healthy lifestyle you will find at Jim's Health & Fitness Guide.(read entire article)
View : 381 Times
Category : Fitness

The Newbie Path To Affiliate Marketing   By: jim desantis
Internet marketing is a daunting and sometimes very expensive business to learn. Most newbies just give up after being sold one get-rich-quick scheme after another. Many who actually try to implment what they were sold, soon give up in frustration of because they run out of money. This article isn't a promotion for Clickbank Marketplace, rather, it's an examination of the marketplace used by the vast majority of Internet marketers that offers newbies a fighting chance.(read entire article)
View : 343 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

Answer These 7 Questions To Gain A Better Life   By: jim desantis
Do you know what you want out of life? Getting what you want out of life involves knowing what you want out of life. It's the "knowing" that separates the winners from average folks.(read entire article)
View : 401 Times
Category : General

Be The Center Of Attention - Anytime, Anywhere   By: jim desantis
Would you like to become that popular person, you know whom I mean, that person who is so naturally friendly that when you see them among a group of strangers, they seem to be instant friends with almost everyone in no time? We call such a person a "people-person,” someone unbelievably nice and charismatic that they can charm just about anyone they meet. They obviously know something you don't know.(read entire article)
View : 376 Times
Category : General

Anyone Can Overcome Blog Writer's Block   By: jim desantis
When I began my career in broadcast journalism, writers’ block used to exasperate me beyond reason. I felt like a failure. I was ready to quit. I thought I would never get the hang of writing news copy under an hourly deadline. Then a mentor appeared who taught me the shortcuts that freed me to write about any subject at will. Jim DeSantis is a retired broadcast journalist who edits The Internet Library for Dummy's and How To Make Money With Clickbank website.(read entire article)
View : 473 Times
Category : Writing

Rules Enforcement At Home - The United Parental Front   By: jim desantis
Every successful marriage has a number of factors in common. When it comes to raising children, there is one primary factor - the United Parental Front. While you may worry that setting strict rules of conduct in your family may distance you from your children, studies prove you are worrying needlessly. For more tips like this, visit Jim's Marriage Matters blog. For helpful resources about Marriage, visit Jim's eBooks Library.(read entire article)
View : 395 Times
Category : Parenting/Kids

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